Chapter 3: çonfusion

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Smacking the alarm off the nightstand breaking it, Luz sat up in bed her hair messy.

Groaning she sat up, her oversized shirt had shifted exposing her shoulder.

Quick footsteps caught her attention as Amity had poked her head around the corner. "I heard something fall is everything alright?"

They turned red seeing Luz. They directed their attention to the floor. Luz covered herself.

"Yeah I'm okay, just got mad at my alarm" she pointed to the broken alarm. Amity looked up at it and laughed "jeez, not a morning person?"

Luz wraped the blanket around her shoulders and stood up. "And you are?" Blight nodded happily showing Luz the spatula she held.

"Breakfast is ready, bedhead" walking away Luz quickly tried to fix her hair, embarrassed.

Getting up she stretched hearing a pop. Grabbing a green hoodie she put it on, it covered her purple shorts but it wouldn't matter if she stayed in the dorm. Hopefully Amity wouldnt mind.

Walking out of the small bedroom she walked up to Amity. "Oooooo, I love omelets!" Luz grinned happily, Amity smiled.

"I got a feeling you would like them" amity grabbed a plastic plate and put the cheesy omelet on it, handing it to Luz.

"And its cheesy!" Luz practically had stars in her eyes. "Thankyou!" Luz took a bite out of it as Amity laughed putting the pan in the sink. "Luz it's not problem, it's just an omelet" luz gasped looking offended.

"Just an omelet?!" Luz put a hand up to her chest "this is the best omelet I've had!" Amity was shocked at the girls dramatics.

She tilted her head amused with Luz "Well, I'm glad Its good" checking their phone she notices the time.

"Do you have classes today?" Smity asked Luz "yeah I do" she replied finishing her omelet.

"Its 9:10" she said quietly hoping Luz wouldnt be late Luz froze and stood up slowly.

"I have class in 10 minutes!!" She yelled being running into the small room digging through her clothes.

Amity poured coffee into a purple container then waited for Luz. After about 2 minutes she has her bag on and some Jean's, stilling wearing the hoodie from earlier.

"I gotta go Amity thankyou for breakfast!" She ran to the door. "Wait Luz" luz stopped after she opened the door.

"Heres some coffee, you're probably tired" luz blushed somehow Amity didnt notice.

"Thankyou" with that Luz ran off quickly. Shutting the door they stood there. Feeling weird Amity did not like it she felt sick.

Her stomach felt like it was turning. "I'm probably just hungry" she ignored it and went to lay on her bed. The quietness was nice, usually some jock would be trying to fight someone or people would just be drunk and start yelling.

Amitys brain was strange. When she actually thought without distraction, she would drown in her millions of thoughts.

Sometimes when her thoughts go to memories she forgets to breathe And move. She'll be suffocating infront of people and they wont know.

The memories of leaving everything she loved was the hardest other than her parents. Expectations were high and scary.

So many things had to be done to be perfect. Emotions that they had to bury. Happiness she had to throw away for success.

She always felt cold. Even in summer the coldness stayed, people find it so strange. They always ask them "hey, why are your hands so cold?"

She didn't know the proper way to awnser the question. She just said she didnt know why.

Sweaters and hoodies were all she had no short sleeve shirts though other reasons could be given for that but they probably weren't the best.

Feeling tense she flinches when she hear her phone buzz. Breathing again she feels her face cover in sweat "it happened again" she whispered to herself in a shakey tone.

picking up the phone she jolts up.

Opening her phone she smiles.

Thing 1🤢: hey ams. How are you?

Frowning she starts to get upset, you can't just leave someone for three damn years then ask how they are.

Me: what do you want, Emira?

She sighed getting up and walking to the fridge. Opening it, there wasnt much food. Mostly energy drinks and soda.

"...I gotta get more food for Luz" she whispered to herself hearing her phone go off again.

Thing 1🤢: Me and ed are at the mansion with dad. He wants to see you.

Amity inhaled sharply. Yeah father is no where as mean as mother was but he was still intimidating.

Me: I have class for the rest of the week. I'll visit this weekend.

They didn't want to that place. The place she was supposed to call home had horrible memories.

As she ran her fingers through her hair she let's it down. "Let's do something with you."

Walking to dorm next to their own she knocks on the door. "Yeah?" The pink hair girl asked rubbing her side.

"Boscha. Help me with my hair" they stared for a moment them his face brightened. "You're changing it?" Amity nodded.

Boscha dragged her into the dorm and sat her on the couch. Running to her bathroom for a moment her comes out with a towel, scissors, bleach and some dye.

"Wait" she put the stuff down. "You're trying to get Luz to like you arent you?" She said with a smirk.

Amity shook her hand defensively. "No! Why would i? I dont like her like that! We just met!"

Boscha started getting everything ready listening to the gay dork ramble on about hoe she dosent like Luz.

"Mhm okay miss. Denial" she said unconvinced by Amitys reasons. Amity paused, "how do you know about Luz?" She questioned. "Willow told me"

Amity smirked evily "oh so, you and willow are close all of a sudden?" Turning pink, boscha avoid the question.

"So, just dying it or wanna cut it too?" Amity messed with her hair I didnt think about cutting it...

After a moment of thought she awnsered "Sure, let's go all the way!" Boscha was surprised with Amity drastic change in energy. She usually was so quiet and tired, never leaving their dorm or classroom.

Boscha smiled I like this Luz girl, I need to thank her later.

Boscha got a stool for her to sit on. Putting a towel over Amitys shoulders before she started to cut it.

Aha here ya go another chapter. I'm working on a new book rn it is Lumity lol.


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