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Everyone was on a downward spiral. Damon and I were the only ones who could remain sane to a certain level. Stefan was on his revenge trip, Bonnie was having nightmares, Elena was a paranoid wreck. I should be ashamed to say im enjoying the chaos. 

Saying that however was a contradiction to our current state. Damon and I were currently drinking away any and all issues, Alaric had been with us but had gone to scold a certain younger Gilbert, who i still hadn't had many interactions with despite my closeness with his sister. 

Speaking of Elena, she and Damon were having one of there many moments leaving me to flirt with the bar staff. Gods this girl was hot and much more entertaining then the lovey dovey shit i was avoiding. 

"What do you say? A drink after work with myself and my friend. Promise it will be the time of your life." I mused taking the drink she offered, her name had slipped my mind but her face never would. 

"I finish late." She mumbled as i smirked.

"Luckily i'm a woman of the night." She laughed. The sound was as sinful as a melody but unfortunately my ears tuned to something else.

"Your going to do this in the grill? In front of everybody, it's a little beneath you don't you think." Damon asked edging his way in front of Elena, my eyes followed his to see Klaus, sparking a light on my neck in a very familiar place. I turned back to the woman.

"To be continued." I smiled standing. 

"I don't know what your talking about i just came to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate, get a round in would you Tony." My eyes sparkled with mischief at both of the hybrids, one passing me with a nod and the other oblivious to my amused glances.

I made my way towards Damon.

"Surprised you stuck around for happy hour." 

"My sister seems to be missing, need to sort that out." Perhaps she was the reason i wasn't allowed in the basement anymore.

"Cute, blonde bombshell? Shouldn't be to hard to find." Damon glanced to me as i reached his side, i offered him a coy smirk back as i passed him his drink, Elena looked to me as Klaus did the tension thick in the air between the three of them. I bit back the joy in it all.

"Truth is I've grown to rather like your little town, the sights, the sounds, the people." He paused as he glanced to me.

"I don't seem to want to leave, think i might fancy myself a home here." Klaus began to walk past Damon but he didn't get anywhere close to me as Damon tugged me behind him. Still adamant on his promise after all these weeks. 

"Your probably wondering how that affects you, the answer is not in the slightest as long as i get what i want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your lives however you choose. You have my word." Elena's breathing became heavy. 

"What more could you possibly want?" She asked incredulously, i thought it to be a silly question as did Damon, considering his grip on me became harsher.

"Well for starters you can tell me where i might find Stefan." He got closer as Damon stood taller.

"Stefan left town the moment he saved your ass." I had bitten my tongue letting them have their dispute but i could feel the anger rising.

"Well that's a shame because i need him found so i can return what was taken from me." He aimed a dart at the board, hitting the bullseye.

 "That seems like a Klaus and Stefan problem." Another silly thing to say as Klaus moved to Elena, Damon made his way in-between all of us. Klaus laughed lowly.

"Well this is me broadening the scope sweetheart." He took a step back then as his eyes flashed with threats.

"I'm sure little human Elena will be a special addition to your work efforts. We will put her to work right away." I mused taking a sip from my own drink.

"Come on Eris, Elena. We are leaving." Damon spoke calmly.

"Why don't you stay for a drink with us love?" Klaus ignored him, gesturing back to his hybrid at the bar. 

"I'm afraid im preoccupied." I mused waving to the bartender as Damon tugged me from the Mystic grill. 

The day aged awfully and the bartender never made it to the boarding house, not that i was to hung up over it. More annoyed that someone had messed with my fun and i was sure i could narrow it down to a few, maybe even the one who ruined it all. I was sated in my irritation however when Damon promised me a night of liquor fuelled mistakes. 

Passing me one of many drinks as we sat lonesome in the boarding house.

 "That's why you don't mix business with pleasure, it was a bad idea to wave your toy into his face." Damon scolded as i scoffed.

"Excuse me for acting as i have done for a millennia." He walked back to his cabinet as he grasped himself a cup.

"I think its about time you and I had a drink." I didn't move from my seat, instead i turned to look over my shoulder.

"Who even invited him in?" I mumbled in annoyance.

"I'd say we are long overdue." Damon retorted calmly.

"Well you've been so busy with all your plotting and scheming." Klaus let an amused smile flicker onto his lips.

"You know me, never miss a chance to plan an epic failure." Klaus descended the stairs as Damon rose his glass to his lips.  

"Don't be so hard on yourself, who knew your own brother would betray you?" 

"Well i did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you." Damon was quick with his retort.

"Yeah, well she's fickle that one. You say you have no idea of her whereabouts?" Now he began to get annoyed.

"That's the thing with younger siblings, you just never know what they are gonna do." Damon also looked less then pleased.

To mediate the moment i stood gracefully, grasping the bourbon and filling everyone a drink. The two were quick to accept as i prowled back to the comforts of the shadows.

"Thanks love." 

"Cheers Eris." 

"You know we have actually got a lot in common you and I." Klaus spoke as they moved apart.

"Yeah, maybe we can bond over the mutual loathing of my brother or even our shared adoration of my sister?" He shrugged looking less than pleased by the idea.

"Why are you so mad at Stefan anyway?" Damon asked, despite already knowing.

"My family, the originals. I had them daggered until i saw fit to wake them and he went in and pinched the bloody lot." He huffed taking a drink from his glass.

"Of course he did, ah such a buzzkill my baby bro. I'd love to find him, trouble is i sure as hell don't work for you." Now i leant forward in amusement. 

"You know your drink stinks of vervain so there is no hope in compelling you. I can't kill you for reasons such as you are the one who can get me want i want and yet it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps i wasn't clear enough when i said find me Stefan. Oh well, its seems you people respond best to displays of violence." He paused pulling out his phone.

I was quick to snatch it.

"Now, now play nice." I mused as Damon snickered, Klaus did not look happy.

"You and I had an agreement." I pointed at him with a coy smirk of my own.

"I've gone to great lengths to secure that it wont be broken." Perhaps he had because here Damon stood. 

And so i looked down to the phone to see an ever familiar name on it, a little Gilbert. I was so amused by it i barely registered Klaus taking the phone from my hand. I laughed lowly enjoying this little game.

He spoke coy words to the boy before pocketing his phone, Damon stood unaffected as did I. Watching as Klaus turned to leave.

In The Eye of Her Storm // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now