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I woke in the middle of the night to a sound that would have shuck any other. A howl tore into my room despite us being on the very top floor, no doubt everyone else heard it as well. I knew then that my brother was here, meaning the other two followed. 

I paced to the balcony as i overlooked the empty streets below. I saw nothing and no one, not even the usual hybrids that stood watch. Instantly i knew something was happening.

"Are you ready love?" I turned to see Klaus stood in my doorway, hands tucked calmly into his pockets. He had allowed me space these past few days, never knocked, never even came to speak to me. My arms wrapped over my torso as i worried.

We were strong, i doubted the hybrids could even scathe my siblings but Dante was a liability. He was not as immortal as the rest of us and with his demise followed Leon's. I didn't respond to Klaus as he lead me to the common area. Two hybrids stood by the door, their faces passive.

Klaus nodded to them as the patter of footfall thudded down the hall behind the doors they blocked. The two moved. Klaus came to my side as the noises got louder and i wondered why i had heard no screaming or any fight for that matter.

Unless this was a trap and I the bait.

I bit down in anxiety upon my lip as his arm latched around my waist tugging my body into his side. I debated on what i could do. How this all would go, i had no chance to get far with my thoughts however as the door fell with a sickening crack.

A snarl ripped from the wolf at the mans side, his body tucked close and teeth on show. Dante stood unscathed. They moved into the room as my panic cooled, neither seemed marked, no smell of blood.

But no Ezra.

The brunette hunter looked to the hybrids his eyes assessing and then they fell to me.

"Did you know..." Dante trailed off.

"That hybrids die the same way vampires do?" He finished smirking wildly, with one swift movement he unhitched the bow at his back and shot a wooden arrow through one of Klaus's hybrids. 

The grip on me tightened as the other sped at Dante.

Leon didn't let them get close however, ripping their head from their body. I had hope for a moment that all would go as they had planned, that i would leave. 

Until the hall behind them began to fill with the missing hybrids. Leon curled around Dante's legs snarling back at them.

"I'd like to know how to solidify the bond." Klaus spoke confidently as i eyed the two fallen wolves on the floor. 

"I'd like Eris back." Dante retorted calmly holding his hand out to me. I wanted to move forward, to take it.

"This can be very simple for all of us. You see my hybrids wont move until i know and should your partner choose force to get through i'm quite happy to kill you just for the fun of it." I tried to tug away from him, angered when i couldn't.

Dante only rose his eyebrows.

"Harsh words. I'd say im hurt but im not. Once more, I'd like Eris back." The army behind him moved closer and Leon coiled. 

"Please." The word came out scratchy, the first i had said in days. I wanted to go home, i didn't want anyone here to get hurt and i just wanted to see Damon.

Klaus didn't let me go but he tensed.

"Please don't hurt anyone." The arm around me slackened as i looked to my side, eyes tired and worry evident. Klaus saw it, i knew he had.

"I'll be dammed!" Klaus didn't turn fast enough.

Ezra emerged from my room tackling him down as Dante shot to grab me. Snarls emitted from every direction as the hybrids came forward and i didn't know where to look. My eyes worked on their own accord as they fell to Klaus however.

Pinning Ezra to the wall who only wore a playful grin.

He turned back in time to command his hybrid's to stop on their decent to Dante.

"Enough!" He yelled letting my brother stumble from his grasp. Ezra ruffled his black hair like a dog would, calmly walking to a sofa and slinking down.

"Look at this, lovely little family reunion. Where's Kyrin?" He asked as he looked around. I shrugged because i didn't know.

"Last i heard he was in Mystic Falls." He huffed at me.

"Your little town?" Ezra asked, I nodded.

"Ezra, make yourself useful would you?" Dante rolled his eyes as my brother huffed.

"What's the rush? We are at a stalemate here. Can't kill the bloke, can't get passed his toys without at least one of them biting you. I say we hear him out, give him whatever power he wants and take Eris home." Ezra shrugged as i huffed in embarrassment. 

He was never the brightest but he tried. 

"Your an idiot." Dante shuck his head. Ezra ignored him turning to Klaus.

"What do you want? The blades of Ashire? A certain person dead? Global domination?" He listed off on his fingers.

"I want to know how to complete the bond." Klaus spoke as Ezra narrowed his eyes.

"Well you can't have that." That angered the original. I took the moment to let the black spill from my hands and envelop the fallen hybrid that still had its head as Klaus sped at Dante. The undead soldier rose with black shaded eyes as it came to my side.

Leon tackled Klaus to the ground shooting for his neck, allowing the hybrids to grasp onto Dante. I wondered if that had been Klaus's plan all along.

I wasn't quicker then their vampire speed and by the time my soldier reached Dante's side he already sported a nasty looking bite. He didn't look in pain or even worried by the fact.

"Well shit." Ezra muttered. The large wolf in the room went manic as the original tossed him to the side, bloodied where Leon's teeth had managed to grip him.

"That's like deadly right? We might have to call Kyrin." Ezra continued as Klaus stood, he stormed to me quickly, fire in his eyes as he healed. My hybrid tried to fight him off, ending up without a head as quickly as his friend had.

"I wouldn't test me right now love." His eyes shone amber as he pulled me back into his chest, breathing ragged. I sneered in anger myself, looking at Dante.

If only there were more dead to command, perhaps we could have stood a chance.

"Now lets talk about that bond shall we?" 

In The Eye of Her Storm // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now