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We didn't stay in any camp to long. For a long time i didn't know why, I thought perhaps it was because Mikael was in fact hunting Klaus down. Even if he had his army to fight back now, he never lingered long. I was never allowed to leave any trace behind either, Klaus was adamant on that rule. 

It was our third day in Portland, we had hit the jack pot of all wolf dens and we finally were able to dish out the last few drops of Elena's blood. Finally i thought he may be sated, that perhaps we could go home and deal with whatever he ran from. Klaus seemed to have other ideas though as he shacked us up in some suit in a long awaited hotel.

The floors below were occupied by wolves, so many i had lost count. Even if i never did bother to begin counting at all. However our floor was limited to only a few. He held one or two hybrids closer then the rest, his little minions. They could enter the large suit, having access to the common area, anywhere beyond that was off limits.

Finally Klaus had given me some space, my room was not to be entered, so i simply never left it. The balcony view was where i entertained myself and food was left by my door. No matter the luxury the staff offered i never felt at home. I missed Damon with such an ache and i longed to see if he was alright.

What he had done whilst i had been gone

By the fifth day here i got antsy. Fed up with it all. I chose to go and hunt for my phone which Klaus kept charged and tucked close to him at all times. To keep track of what went off at home i suppose. Damon was always great at updating me on the situations. 

Now however i needed it back. 

His room was just as large as mine, his curtains all firmly shut where as i kept mine open. I didn't expect to find him asleep but i was to far in just to leave. My eyes automatically shot to the desk top, finding his phone sat alone without mine. I moved closer.

What would be the point if i left without what i came for anyway? He's be able to smell that it'd been in his room when he woke up, might as well get what i risked coming in for anyway. 

I stopped breathing for extra measure when i reached the bed side cabinet, slowly pulling the draw out. Odd little welcome gifts the hotel had given were littered in the draw along with pamphlets and mints and under lay what i had come in for.

I bit down on my lip to stop the laugh that wanted to escape me, instead shuffling out of the room and back to my own. I thought he would have slept more cautiously after i tried to kill him that one time. 

I opened my phone swiftly, messages bombarding me making me turn it to silent. I scrolled to the top of each. 

Eternal Stud (don't change this Eris 😡)

Are you okay? I'll come for you Eris i promise.

Bonnies been looking, she thinks Klaus has a witch.

His sister tried to go into your room, Stefan lashed out. 

He's acting weird, its the compulsion.

Are you safe? Please get back to me.

I need to see you im worried.

The girls miss you. Bonnie got close.

I did something bad. Something you wont like at all.

Kyrin is in Mystic falls. Won't help, says your safe.

I'm sorry Eris i should have grabbed you.

If he's hurt you at all i swear i'll kill him. 

Mystic Falls isn't the same without you. 

Mikael is in town, we will get Bonnie to unlink you and he said he'll kill Klaus.

They say i shouldn't text you anymore, that i should just give up.

I love you Eris, your my best friend.

Damon had text the most out of everyone and i believed every word he had told me, i missed him so. 


Damon says Klaus got to you. Enjoy.

Can you take Klaus's phone or something? Won't stop complaining to me about you.

Heard you tried to kill him in his sleep. Nice.

Elena keeps crying, misses you or something.

The girls and Damon are up to something wont tell me.


I'm trying to find you. Damon says you wont answer your phone. 

We think Klaus has it and if so, we hate your guts.

We love you Eris, stay safe.


I should have never invited you to prank night. x

You didn't want to come, this is my fault. x

Damon called your brother, he says he has people watching you and that your fine. x

I'm sure you can keep yourself safe but i'll be waiting for you to come back. x


I'm sorry i didn't listen that night. If i had left when you told me to you wouldn't be were you are.

We are all working to get you back, your our friend now.

Damons been distant. People have started to die again, we think its him.

Stefan says Klaus is torturing you and we let him.

Rebekah says your torturing Klaus.

We will get you back Eris, we miss you to much...

I had never had people worry for me like this, never needed anyone to. There had never been a problem that i couldn't fix by myself. The feeling was odd to know that they cared, aside from Stefan who lacked his humanity and just wanted to taunt me. I had expected some messages, like where are you and the works but this all had been unexpected. 

Especially one message that was the most recent of all. 


Damon got in touch

We are coming for you.

Kyrin says your with your Shadowmate.

We said fuck that.

See you soon. 👀

The laughter i let out then was refreshing. Loud, untamed and excited, im sure the sound was unfamiliar to everyone below becuase this was genuine. Dante was coming and were he went Leonidas followed. Meaning someone was finally going to take me home, someone was going to find me. 

In The Eye of Her Storm // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now