38-5 years later

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I open my eyes to the view of the ocean, the cold breeze of the morning hitting my bare skin. The sunrise so beautiful each time I see it. I smile as I see the kids running around with Ryder, they laugh while trying to get away from him.

5 years have passed by now, I've moved to Thailand, the twins are now 8 years old, Ryder and I are engaged, Cohen and Gina are married, Klaus has a new girlfriend, Nathan and Kiara are dating, Scar is training to be my right hand man and my father is enjoying being a grandfather by spoiling the twins rotten. My life is the image of normal and perfect, I have amazing friend that love me, I have an amazing partner that is everything I need, I have two beautiful kids that keep amazing me as each day passes and yet I still sometimes think back to that day.

I can't help but think wonder if his okay, if she found love, if his happy...I haven't seen him since that day. Kiara and I are good but she doesn't talk about him. I think she might fear my reaction, I would be too.


I hear a knock at the door, weird everyone's only suppose to be here at 4 for the barbeque and bonfire. I walk over to the door and open it, expecting to see a friend but its him. I stare at him in shock, I have no idea what to do, what to say, his eyes flutter to the wedding band on my finger and his face expresses pain. What is happening?!

"Safire!" I hear shouting

"Safire!" I hear Ryders voice

I wake up in my bed in Ryders arms, it was just a dream. My actual reality is actually similar except some details. I am not engaged and Gina and Cohen are engaged not married but the rest was accurate. Why was Kodiak in that dream...

"Baby, is everything okay?" Asks Ryder as he plants a soft, affectionate kiss on my forehead

"Yeah I just had a weird dream." I say

"What was it about?" He asks as he props himself on his elbows looking at me.

"Well we were engaged, Gina and Cohen were married and everyone was living their best lives but then their was a knock at the front door and Kodiak was there, he starred at me with pain in his eyes and I just stood their unable to do anything." I say

"Are you okay?" Asks Ryder

"I am now." I say

He never gets mad when I speak my mind he just listens, his so perfect, I love him...I love him the way I loved Dante. I never thought it was possible but These past 5 years have been amazing. His been amazing, he holds me tight when I have panic attacks at 3am, he comforts me when work gets tough, he never asks for anything, he hugs me when I'm sad, he always knows exactly how to cheer me up, he always knows exactly what I need to hear even when I don't want to hear it and he keeps fixing me slowly but surly. He is everything.

"What are you thinking?" He asks as he pulls me into his arms with a smile

"Its my secret." I say with a smile

"Oh that just won't do." He says with a playful tone.

He pins me down and stares at me with a grin, his eyes filled with joy and lust. I smile up at him and then stick out my tongue. He laughs and kisses me, taking my breath away. His arms wrap around me as he hovers over me kissing me with such passion I can barly keep up. He pulls away and plants kisses up my jaw to my ear.

"Mi amour, you better tell me your secret or I can't let you leave this room...well I can't let you leave this room with the ability to walk." He whispers seductively into my ear

"You really test my will power." I say as I place kisses on his collarbone.

The door swings open and Ryder quickly moves off me and lays next to me, Ivy and Niko come running into the room looking at us with confusion. Both our faces flushed a shade of crimson, Ryder trying to hide his obvious boner with the blankets and a pillow. Luckily they don't know about that stuff yet.

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