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"Hello old friend...Blue Eyes oh how I've missed you."

"What are you doing here Nicoluas." I said as I walked towards him.

"Can't I visit an old friend?" He said in a playful tone.

"Get to the point, you know I don't have patience!" I said in a stern tone.

"I have a job for you." He stated

"I'm listening." I said

"$1200 000 000, you need to fly to Sicily and meet with Mr.Myles, he has something of mine and I want it back. After you complete the task you can do what you want. I'll meet you in Sicily in 3 days, that gives you today and tomorrow to get a plan, I know you prefer to arrange your own transport so I just sent you the details of what I want and where to be. What do you think?" Asked Nicoluas.

"Cohen." I stated because I already had him do the background check to what Nicoluas was saying.

"It's not a set up boss." Said Cohen

"I'm hurt, you know I would never set you up." Said Nicoluas in a overly dramatic tone.

"Shut up Nicoluas, I accept. I'll see you in 3 days, oh and try not to let the door hit you on the way out." I said as I walked up the staircase.

"Always such hospitality, see you in 3 days. You know you love me!" Shouted Nicoluas

"Bye Nicoluas." I shouted

Nicoluas and I go back, he saved my life once upon a time. His older than me and most of my crew. When I was younger he took a shot for me, literally, he blocked a bullet from hitting me with his body. I'll forever respect him for that. He was a very smart man, he would collect rare things for illegal auctions and by collect I mean he would send people like me to acquire the object and pay me for my work.

I may be a Mafia boss but I was a assassin first, which is why no one ever gets a chance to kill me. I can read a room in seconds after entering.

I organized my thoughts and discussed a plan with my crew, everyone knew their duties, 10 members would stay at the property to protect my working staff, 7 members would come with me including Gina because we would need disguises and she was good at acquiring invites to places.

Tomorrow is going to be exciting...oh how I missed the adrenaline.
"Remember it's your brothers birthday on Friday, you promised you would be there." Said my dad on the phone

"Yes dad, I'll be there and tell him that the budget for his party is unlimited, it's his 18th birthday after all." I said

"Okay honey, please be safe. I love you." Said my dad

"I love you too father." I said

I ended the call and relaxed into the leather seat. Couple hours and I'll be in Sicily. We went through our plan, everyone understood their importance in this job, I'm excited.

We finally arrived in Sicily, I loved it here, always so beautiful maybe I'll come here for a vacation with my brother Nathan. He would love it, especially because there are beautiful beaches.

Blue Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें