7 : December 2020

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- I am finally over you. i am so fucking glad i can say that. i am finally over you. I found someone who makes me forget. I was finally able to let you go. I don't need you anymore. I'm not crying over you. I'm not thinking about you everyday. I'm so fucking glad
- i think the problem is that i can move on, and i did, but at the end of the day i still miss you. I've never met someone like you. I never met someone who knew me inside and out like you do. i keep saying that i don't miss you and that i never think about you, but i'm wrong. i still think about you everyday. I still think there could be a furtive with you, when i know there isn't. I completely lost you and that's my fault. It's hard. it's hard knowing that you're so fucking happy and in love, and i'm here not able to let people in. Not being able to let someone in enough for me to love them. Because no one is you. No one is. I don't think i'll find anyone that can give me the butterflies that you always gave me. I don't think i can look someone in their eyes and love them when i'm wishing that they were you. I'm always wishing that they're you. But no one is. No one is going to treat me the way you did.
- it's hard. i'm going to admit it because it's true. everything is so hard.

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