making friends - part 2

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"So, Tomthas, will your people join us then? Have we passed your test?" I need confirmation, before I can have the Lieutenant organize moving them into Compound 17.

This foolishness needs to be over, and I am done with games. After they are settled, the compounds can be explained better to them, and if some want to transfer to a different area, they can.

Depending on skill sets, some may prefer to move. Compound 17 mostly has women and the elderly. They help take care of the youth, and I suppose because it brings a sense of normality, education. This helps free up others to do their assigned tasks. It takes everyone doing their part to keep things functioning. Humans need routine. Left alone, they self-destructed rather quickly.

"We need to vote on it back at our camp. We will send word." Tomthas nods as if everything has been settled.

What? Seriously? I can't help but give the walking death man a dubious look. Democracy is not something I expected from Tomthas. Or people who are starving.

"When and how?" I know my impatience is audible, but seriously it should be a no-brainer for them. We have food, shelter and protection from the "Others."

I am scowling again. At this rate, it's going to become permanent. His eyes narrow in reply.

"We will send word to you in the morning. A runner will go to the gate you have over there." His bony finger shakily points in the direction of the closest entrance to us.

So they have scouted our borders already. Or found a way in to steal? I will find out soon enough.

Something suddenly comes back to me. Nadia had started to say something when I first met them. I need to know more. I can't risk lives unnecessarily.

"Nadia, you said some are not well?"

I intentionally ignore the old guy remembering him cowing her to silence on the topic. He was trying to control the situation. It isn't going to happen this time.

He starts to open his mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up, cutting him off, "I am addressing your Healer right now, Tomthas. I need her opinion on this. When I want yours, I will ask." Chew on that, you old bugger.

I lock eyes with him, keeping my face impassive. It isn't hard. I don't give a damn about him or what he thinks. His eyes dance lasers at me, mouth pinched tight, and I notice he is shaking slightly. So he doesn't like being put in his place. Too bad. This is my show. He better get used to it.

I turn back to Nadia. She is open-mouthed, staring at me. I guess no one has challenged him before. I can't fathom why. I steal a glance at the men. They, too, seem stunned. What the hell was so scary about Tomthas? That is a puzzle for later. It seems there are a lot of those.

"Nadia?" My voice is firm, allowing no room for argument, but I make an effort not to use my scary voice as I look back at her. She reminds me of a cornered rabbit.

We eat them in a stew in the compounds often enough. Easy to keep, and they breed like crazy, making them an efficient and practical food source.

Granted, that isn't the resemblance she holds. It is that panicked look in her eyes that makes me think of rabbits. She closes her mouth and fidgets slightly in her spot, adjusting her offspring on her lap.

"Uhh ya. I mean, yes. We are all hungry, close to running out of food. The hunters haven't been strong enough to get us more meat, and we travelled a long way through the deadlands to get here."

Her voice is soft and sweet, almost like a child's. She pauses for a moment, seeming to pick her following words carefully. "Some are not handling the lack of food well. Some have suffered severe dehydration through the deadlands and are not... well, they aren't themselves anymore."

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