Julien IV

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This person was lanky, dressed in a black button-down shirt and a pair of crisply-pressed pants. He had his hands stuck in his pockets and his legs stretched out and loosely crossed in front of him. His hair fell to his shoulders. If anyone met his gaze, two cupped smiles would pool in his wandering eyes, like an indiscriminate free broadcast.

Lang Qiao had reached her present age without ever once having seen a man who would come on purpose to the door of a Public Security Bureau to preen. “Deputy Tao, is that your friend?”

Tao Ran’s teeth seemed to be hurting.

Lang Qiao was very sensitive. She noticed at once that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and asked curiously, “What is it?”

Tao Ran was just about to go over and say something when Luo Wenzhou, who had been silent until now, suddenly reached out and grabbed his elbow. He raised his chin at the newcomer. “Fei Du, what are you doing here?”

Fei Du gathered up his long legs and raised his eyelids to look at Luo Wenzhou. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this place had your name on it.”

Luo Wenzhou narrowed his eyes expressionlessly. Fei Du gave him a smile that wasn’t quite a smile. Lang Qiao, who had no idea what was going on, cluelessly picked up a trace of swords-out-bows-bent murderous energy.

After a moment, Fei Du smiled like he was asking for a beating. He was the first to look away. Turning to Tao Ran, he said, “Tao Ran, get in the car. If I stay here any longer, Captain Luo will give me a ticket.”

Tao Ran didn’t have a chance to answer before Luo Wenzhou interrupted coolly: “Did I say we were finished working? The two of you come back with me to the City Bureau right now. We have to report our progress to Director Zhang as soon as possible, and hold a conference concerning the facts of the case.”

Lang Qiao: “…”

Didn’t you just say “let’s talk about it tomorrow”?

Fei Du sighed languidly. “Superiors going through menopause truly are one of this world’s calamities. How about this: Tao-ge and this lovely policewoman can ride in my car. I’ll take you back to the City Bureau. You’ve had a hard day, you may as well ride in a car where you can stretch your legs.”

“You mind cars that aren’t spacious? President Fei, I advise you not to experience riding in a police transport. I guarantee you wouldn’t even be able to stretch your arms.”

“Thank you for the warning, sir.—Tao Ran, I’ve made a reservation at a Western restaurant near your office. Even if you have to work overtime, you still have to eat first, right?”

“Public servants don’t eat. The murderer hasn’t been caught. How could we have the face to eat?”

Lang Qiao still hadn’t worked out whom she had offended.

Tao Ran, who had been unable to get a word in edgewise, could finally stand it no longer. “Enough! Are you two finished?”

Luo Wenzhou laughed grimly and turned to go. “Come on—Lang Big-eyes, what are you looking at? If you want to look at pretty boys, you can go home and do it on your own time. Don’t waste time at work!”

“Tsk. Beauty, why don’t you consider coming to work for my company instead?” Fei Du tilted his head at Lang Qiao in the manner of a domineering director-general. “It's a waste of the bounty of nature for you to be a cop. I’ll give you five times your current salary.”

Tao Ran turned and glared at him. “You knock it off, too!”

Fei Du looked directly at him and nodded in an exceedingly “obedient” way, but then of course he lobbed another attack. “All right. For your sake.”

Mo Du (默读) - Silent ReadingWhere stories live. Discover now