"When you say a full deck, how many do my mean exactly?"

My poor angel, she looked terrified to find out the answer to that question. So I answered her just as gently as I possibly could.

"There are six checking accounts, six savings accounts and twelve credit cards. And both the checking and savings accounts all have debit cards for each of them. So you will be getting twenty-four cards in total, and that is just from my accounts. You will also most likely get the same or more from your family accounts. But my credit cards are not all visa, master cards or Amex cards they are even cards for different stores, online and brick and mortar stores."

She shook her head. "I don't know how to be rich Comrade."

"Just be yourself lyubov' moya, the money is just a convenience a means to an end." (my love)

"How long did it take you to get used to all of that wealth?"

"Honestly, it took me a few years. I was still trying to live off of my guardian pay when Adrian, Ivan and I went to Rodeo Drive shopping. I kept telling them that I couldn't afford to shop in places like that. And he and Ivan both kept reminding me that I was just as wealthy as they were. So, yeah, it took a while. But I did eventually become accustomed to it. I still don't spend money like most royals do."

"What do you mean?"

"One summer Ivan and Adrian wanted to spend the summer in Europe. We went to Italy, France, Spain, Germany and several other places. When we were in France, we went to this highly exclusive and expensive moroi club. We were sitting at our table laughing and joking around when an argument at the next table got started. One snobby zhopa royal got pissed off because the bar had just sold the last bottle of some type of tequila that he wanted for himself. The bottle cost ten thousand dollars and apparently their shipment got shorted that day, so they didn't have anymore. That idiot threw a fit. I always knew that most royals were ridiculous, idiotic, spoiled pridurki but that just took the yeblya cake. When he tried to pull the three of us into boycotting and suing the bar we just got up and left shaking our heads at him." I shrugged. (ass, assholes, fucking)

I knew that we were discussing money and the like to lighten the worry and distress caused by the much heavier conversation that we were just having and would finish soon. But for a bit of a break we needed something lighter to talk about, at least she obviously does, and this had somehow become it.

"I feel bad saying this, knowing how much you love Ivan, but was the man that threatened to sue a Zeklos?" She asked me, most likely because of the way that Jesse has always behaved, but she was right.

"How did you know lyubov' moya?" (my love)

"Because it sounds just like some stunt that asshole Jesse would pull." She shrugged one shoulder.

"Well you are right, he was a Zeklos. But Ivan said he had no idea who the asshole was, and he didn't care to ever find out or run into him again. The poor lady that was with the guy looked beyond embarrassed, she looked humiliated that they guy had made such a big deal about it."

"Well maybe she got away from him."

"I certainly hope so. Now, back to our conversation."

"Are you absolutely sure that you want to do that Comrade? I don't want to..."

I gently lay a finger over her lips. "Yes detka, I am positive. You are my everything, therefore you are to have access to everything that is mine. It is about high time that I started taking care of you as if you were already my wife after all. Have you ever heard the saying 'what's mine is yours and what's yours is yours?" (baby)

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