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It had been a week after the mission at the wave. Sakura had been rushed to the hospital and has been stable so far but the byakugan in her eye was too strained and was lost, for now she wears a eye patch identical to Naruto

Naruto and team 7 had been training themselves till dropping. Even Kakashi had joined them a couple of times having his daily spars with Naruto who had a substantial amount of power due to losing his byakugan. On that regards he still kept on battling the fox on whether or not to transplant the sharingan onto himself

Naruto himself also knew of the power he had just lost, not only did he lose a eye but it was one of the most feared kekkei genkai known around the elemental nations for kami sake. He needed power to be able to match his prime self back at the wave and what better way than to transplant a mangekyou sharingan onto yourself

"I need power ya furball and I need that sharingan!" Naruto screamed

Enter Naruto Shippuden OST - Despair

"No and that's final or do you want me to cast that genjutsu of the horrors you caused at wave" Kuruma said with a grin. He had begun casting memories onto Naruto's dreams while adding his own ideas, not only did he put on repeat the death of Haku and Sabuza but Naruto could feel their fear. He could feel the fear and desperation of Sabuza seeing Haku near death, he could feel the sadness and despair of Haku watching her father figure die

"Y-you bastard" Naruto growled hyperventilating, falling on his knees in front of the beast. He had been eve crying at times remembering what he did even at times thinking about suicide

"I can cut our deal any time kit. And you will no longer have power, JUST SOME BRAT WHO CANT HANDLE DEATH"


"This world's filled with hatred, I mean look at me. I am the embodiment of it you fool!" Kuruma screamed looking down on his jailor

"I-i said shut up"

"The shinobi system is corrupted. Filled with war and death, WARS AND DEATH IS ALL THERE IS SO MAN UP"

"B-but Shisui-sensei h-he" Naruto breathed out

"And thus the real reason you have so much hatred emerges.....He is dead Naruto and he always will be and you know what ITS ALL YOUR FAULT"


Naruto awoke to birds chirping outside his window as he slowly got up and made himself some coffee before getting ready to go to team meetings

'Im slowly dying inside aren't I'

'Indeed you are'

End Naruto Shippuden OST - Despair

"Hey team" Kakashi spoke in a loud voice making the others wince in annoyance

"Its 7 in the morning Kakashi be more quiet" Sasuke said to him not sparring another look at Kakashi's dramatic look of sadness

"Kakashi-san you need to become more strict you're stating to remind me of my perverted sensei Jiraiya"

"Well you see Naruto, everyone should aspire to be like that man. The books he created a a gift from kami him-" Kakashi was cut off when Naruto put his hand up signaling to stop talking making him sigh and cry fake tears while quickly pulling out his favorite book and reading it like nothing had happened

"How is sakura by the way?" Sasuke asked the group making Naruto tense. He and Sasuke had the worst relationship possible but the Uchiha had finally began to show his true colors. He cared about his team and Sakura, even as going so far as awakening his bloodline to the sight of Sakura near death

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