The final battle

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"A-are you okay!?"

"I should be asking you that dattebayo" Naruto laughed weakly scratching the back of his head weakly embarrassed of a random civilian having to see all that

"Im fine" She responded a little more confidently

"Thats great now you should leave there might be more around-" Naruto cut himself off grabbing the girl quickly evading large earth spikes that had came for them

Quickly grabbing a kunai from his vest he threw it at a nearby bush and not a second later a  body dropped dead with a kunai to its head

"Stay close to me" Naruto whispered to the girl pushing her closer to him eventually she was grabbing onto him with her arms around his waist

Putting up a single hand seal Naruto called out

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!" (Shadow Clone Technique)

Two clones appeared in front of Naruto quickly flashing threw hand signs

"Katon Gokakyu No Jutsu!" (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu)

Both clones spewed their fire as they united creating a devastating fire stream that began to engulf a area that had multiple root members who had been caught thanks to Naruto's byakugan

"Its over now" Naruto said trying to get the girl to release him. However something was wrong, she was reaching for her pouch as if going for a weapon

Quickly pushing her away he grabbed a kunai and blocked multiple senbon coming at him

"What are you doing!"

"I came here to finish the job for my boss Sabuza-sama"

In a blur of speed another figure joined the fight and landed next to Haku kicking her away with great force

"I knew I was right to follow you sensei"

There stood Sakura with a huge grin on her face as she would finally be able to prove herself, and what better way to do it than in the heat of battle

"You know better than to join in on this fight" A voice called out slowly walking from the forest and into the clearing showing Sabuza Momochi

'Dammit I need to take care of Sabuza but could Sakura really handle that girl'

"Its fine sensei I got her" Sakura responded as if she could read Naruto's thoughts. Quickly she brought up her ninjato and began to block incoming senbon while Naruto rushed at Sabuza clashing a kunai with Sabuza's executioner's blade

"Your student is as good as dead. She's weak compared to Haku and not only that...but she lacks the intent to kill"

"Thats where you're wrong Sabuza its your student who lacks the intent to kill, I mean who choses senbon as a weapon she obviously trying to injure not kill"


Naruto and Sabuza clashed blades once again fighting for dominance. They would occasionally switch places and swing at each other as if they were dancing and trying to prolong the fight as soon as possible. Naruto had his reasons but why was Sabuza doing this

Haku vs Sakura

Sakura began to pant having had blocked another barrage of senbon coming for her vital spots. In a quick second Sakura herself threw multiple senbn laced with poison at Haku but she evades them with ease having the much superior speed against Sakura

"CHAAA" Sakura chanted her war cry smacking her chakra induced fist into the ground making the ground around Haku to crumble and split apart

'What immense strength, I need to make sure she doesn't hit me' Haku thoughts spinned threw her mind trying to devise a plan that didnt involve her getting close

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