Chapter 27: Jinxes and Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"Ava hate's Quidditch," Sam reminded Ella carefully. "Besides, one Fountaine on the team is more than enough."

"I guess that settles that question then," Ginny said, oddly stiff, as she started to get off the desk.

"Where you going?" Ella asked. "Fifth period isn't for another fifteen minutes."

"All this talk of Michael makes me want to go see him. I've been avoiding him since the last game. We sort of had a row," Ginny confessed.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I started but stopped when I watched Ginny clench her jaw, as if losing her patience. She then turned on me, her red hair flipping back with eyes full of concentration angled on me. It was intimidating.

"I know you mean well Ava, but I don't want to hear it right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked, immediately turning hostile.

"I don't know," Ginny retorted, though her tone sounded like she too was questioning her motive. "I just... I just find it off that she's still dating Malfoy after what he did to Harry and my brothers. Don't any of you find that odd? And yet I'm supposed to act like everything is okay-"

"Ginny, we've talked about this..."

"Brilliant Ella, but that doesn't justify disregarding my emotions on the topic." She turned back to me, looking pained. "I don't know. I just, you're a nice person. Why would you date such an-"

"We are not having this conversation again," Ella cut in, stopping the conversation dead. "If you have a problem Ginny, just walk it off and come back when you are up to it."

Ginny eyed Ella for a moment before grabbing her stuff. But then her gaze turned to my letter and she paused again.

"Who are you writing to?"

"Not Draco if that's what you're worried about."

"No I mean, are you writing about the D.A?"

I paused and looked at my letter. I was considering telling Charlotte about the DA ordeal but hadn't yet put pen to paper.

"No, why?"

Rather than answer me directly, Ginny turned to the others in the group.

"Hermione warned me that Umbridge may be checking all mail before it leaves Hogwarts. Something about Harry's letters coming back all haggard. I even saw Hedwig hurt the other day. She arrived with a bent wing."

"That's a bit much to expect from even the likes of Umbridge..." Sam started but she paused when she caught my eye. I had received a letter from my mother about incoming Christmas plans only a week ago and couldn't help noticing the odd disfigurement of the letter upon arrival. I had just assumed at the time that her owl had ran into something but now...

"Has anyone else received damaged letters recently?" I asked, looking to the others.

"I mean, I received a letter but I can't say I remember seeing anything wrong with it," Ella explained. "Though, I'm not one to take close looks at my mail. I'm usually just excited to receive something."

"Let's just be careful from now on. For all we know Umbridge is taking precautions. I'll tell Hermione to spread the word," Ginny said with a finishing tone.

I didn't see Ginny much in the halls for the next day or so. But I couldn't excuse it for her avoiding me yet. It's not like I usually see her outside class. Maybe she was just busy and with holidays coming up, our course loads had gotten heavier. What's a better excuse to avoid people than to study?

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