The unknown follower

Start from the beginning



I wave energeticly to her. She
saw me and spread her hands wanting to hug me.


We hug. Even though it's not that
long we were missing each other
so badly this night. Our desperate
to get out of here.

Suddenly, I'm inside the black empty world again. It's been so long since I have one.

I feel all of my energy suck
out from my body.

Or maybe it's just my imagination

I kneel down there. Waiting to
be out again.


Kou's voice bring me back to the current situation again

He sobbing loudly like a mom.

"No need to be so touched kou"

Teru pat his head

"Let's go up there! We prepare so many things for you!" -kou-

"So many food" -nene-

"Let's go"

I feel exhausted but decided to continue walking


The whole class is there.
Hanako-kun too.

"Bye, y/n! I'ma go with Amane-kun!"

"Oh... Ok. Good luck"

She nod and run towards him.
He sits far away from crowd.
I heard he really like space so I
guess he doesn't want to be
interrupt when seeing the star

"I'm going to go too y/n-senpai! I'm going to deal with Mitsuba!"

He wave me

Now its only me and Teru left

"Let's take a sit there"

He point at one of the table there

I nod as he bring me there.

"y/n! What would you like to eat?"

She show me a lot of food on the tray she hold in her arms


"I make a lot of food with our classmate!"

"Ouh... I guess... This..."

I point one of the food. I don't know but I feel exhausted...

"y/n? Are you okay"

"I'm okay. Just need some rest..."

"Alright. We'll see each other later! Ima go and serve our classmates food."

She then happily walk away
from our table.



"wanna see the star there?"

I nod slowly. I'm so tired to
even answer it.

As long as I remember, I'm not that tired before hugging Nene.

I sigh

He bring me to a place that far
from crowd. A lot of silent

"y/n... Wanna be honest with me?"

"Huh? What? Aren't I told you everything?"

"You didn't tell me tho about your black world"

"hmm? How did you know?"

I ask in sleepy tone. I feel so dizzy. How does he can know that?

"I notice it since we met"

(flashback when they met in school)

"You know... You kind of... Different from y/n that I know."

"You don't even talk much when we're kid so I was actually shocked you could make a lot of friends here"


"You're completely different from
the y/n that I know"


"Tell me... What happen when
you're away?"


"I don't even know..."

"I can't remember anything"

Then I fall again inside the black world.

I wonder what happen out there when I'm inside here

Teru Pov
y/n suddenly didn't move an inch. Not even breathing. Just like I plan

I look above her head. A giant shadow with a rope attach to y/n's body.
(like a doll)

The shadow control her movement and her behavior.

With my exorcist knowledge, I
put a curtain that make my
surrounding become invincible
from the plain sight

The shadow began to move her body. The empty body without its owner.

What type is this supernatural?

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