1.0 ✦ horny boy

95 11 4

- Jessica -

"JESS WAKE UP!" Calum screamed into my eardrums. i simply kicked him in his balls, warning him to back off.

i was definitely not a morning person. "fuck off." i muttered. Calum winced in pain. "Shit, ahhh that fucking hurts!" Calum rolled over, holding his 'area.' "well that's what you get." i growled. since i was already awake, i couldn't go back to bed. so i got up anyway.

"what do you want?" i sighed. "um there's this thing called a tour and it starts today.." Calum rolled his eyes. "oh, shit right! the tour! okay um let me get ready." i say pushing him out of my way so i could get to the bathroom. i took a quick shower and wrapped the towel around me. i left my stupid clothes and other stuff in my room.


i creaked open the door a little. "Calum?" i whispered. he couldn't hear me since the TV was too loud, so i took my chances and tip-toed to my closet. i opened it and grabbed everything i needed. i was holding too many things and my towel was slipping off. suddenly, i dropped my necklace, making a tap noise.

Calum jerked his head around, of course he would hear that. his face was full of pure seriousness. he got up and began walking to me. "C-Calum..i'm naked. i need to get ready. d-don't." i squeaked, but i was too late. he was all over me.

...well, let me explain this to you.

boy + girl wrapped in a towel = horny boy

i decided to make a run for it when he least expected it. "HEY!" he shouted. i laughed and started to get ready. i decided to keep things simple {outfit off to side or at the top}, i added a little amount of makeup and tried to look as neat as possible. i didn't want to look bad, obviously, especially in front of the cameras.

i creaked the door open a little. "Cal?" no reply. i slowly tip-toed out of the bathroom, looking around. nothing. "GOTCHA!" Calum screamed in my arms, grabbing me from behind and lifting me up. i struggled to let him off me.

"LET ME GO!" i yelled. "gotta say you love me!" Calum said, smiling. suddenly, his smile faded into a full face. so did mine.

love? i wasn't ready for that. i don't even know how to love. he slowly let me down and looked away. "the bags are in the car. come down when you're ready." he said dully. i nodded and walked out.

i felt like screaming. why did he say that? we just started dating and he expects me to love him..like that? wait, no. i'm being silly. he obviously meant it as a joke and he knew that too. but, we took it seriously for some reason. maybe we did love each other.

a car horn interrupted my thoughts. oh, right. i snapped back into reality and headed downstairs. i grabbed my purse, keys, sunglasses, and a few other important things and headed to the car. Calum seemed pretty sad so i decided to turn music on.


"last call for the flight to Madrid, Spain."the flight attendant announced. the other boys and i ran as fast as we could and made it. "i call the window!" i exclaimed. "ugh fine." Calum and Ashton sighed, i was sitting with them while Luke and Michael sat in front of us. i sat down and began to read the magazine that was in front of me.

i heard some chit-chat going on beside me, i turned to see the boys talking to a girl. he looked about fifteen. i hoped she wasn't those bithcy over-obsessed fans. i smiled at her, hoping i'd get one back in return. "oh my god. you're Jessica Fairs!" she screamed and i nodded. i stood up to give her a short little hug and she squealed.

my first fan! yeah that's right bitchessss.

we talked for about ten minutes, then she had to return to her seat. i logged onto Twitter and checked my mentions.


i had so many..i scrolled down. some of them were extremely sweet, and some were rude. i didn't care.

i replied to all of the nice ones and replied back to some of the mean ones. i really didn't care what they thought of me. i am who i am. they can't judge me.

i looked at the 'World Trends' and 'Jalum' was the first. confused, i clicked on it.


"ew, Jalum. worst couple ever."

"ugh, i hate Jessica. stupid bitch." i laughed at that one, the bitch doesn't even know me.

"awe Jalum." and there were so many more.

i sighed and rested my head back. i looked at Calum, he was asleep. i took a picture of him and uploaded it to Twitter saying: 'Sleepy head. Lisbon here we come!'

seconds later, i received hundreds of tweets, DM's, follows, etc.

this was just the beginning.


847 words.

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