Chapter 12 | Albert Einstein is that person, Kay.

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CONFLICTED. THAT IS WHAT I felt as I stared at my little brother's Halloween costume. Everyone knows Halloween is the time for free candy, the freedom to wear any outfit without being shamed, and just make memories as a kid.

Logan, however, did not understand that assignment.

And as I stood in front of him and considered whether or not I should tell him that his costume was the one costume in the world that would most likely be shamed.

But he looked so happy and I didn't want to be the type of brother that ruined his little brother's experiences. I also didn't feel like saying anything because as I stared past the fluffy white wig on him, Kalle was burning holes on my face.

"Are you sure this is the costume you want, Lo?" The hesitation was clear in my voice as it cracked.

The eyes that were a twin to mine looked up from the cufflinks that Kalle had failed to adjust. "Of course I do! Mom gave me the idea of being my role model for Halloween and Albert Einstein is that person, Kay."

I blinked.

"First off, it's really offending how I'm not your role model. Second, don't listen to mom. People her generation don't understand Halloween as much as I do, bub."

It was his turn to blink.

Kalle decides to take the opportunity to save me and says, "I think what your brother is trying to say is if you've got another costume idea, Lo? Don't get him wrong, your choice right now is really cool but you're sure you don't wanna dress up as a Marvel character or some other superhero?"

I shot her a grateful look although she wasn't even looking at me.

"Do you guys really wanna go back and forth with me on this? Or, would you rather just stop wasting your time and mine?"

Kalle gaped at him while I snickered. It's not a surprise that he was on to us and our opinions on his costume but it looks like Kalle didn't expect him to say anything about it. Me, on the other hand, knew damn well he was onto us.

The benefit to having a smart-ass little brother was the fact that I didn't need to sugarcoat anything with him. I've never had to fully explain much to him because he's fast and smart like that.

He took our silence as a response and waved us off, meaning he left the living room and went back upstairs to his room.

I rolled my eyes at his dismissal and turned my attention to the TV.

"Your little brother's a little demon, you know that?"

"I am perfectly aware. I live with him."

Logan was born to be the way he was. The first words he'd spoken were "Mom, I think you forgot my carrots." From that day on, we all knew he was special and quickly got used to the things that came out of his mouth.

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