Chapter 05 | One Kalle morning special.

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RIVER'S DONUT DELIGHTS BAKERY. THE source to any donut lover's happiness. The key to getting rid of any type of hangover. At least, that's what I believe. The consequences of my late-night partying on Friday night had hit me like a dump truck this morning but yet, it was some night to remember.

"Well, I'm full of surprises, so who was that?"

I could see a flicker of anger and jealousy in his eyes as he asked me. Kayson's what you would call an easily envious person if you didn't know him on the inside. He's been let down by too many people in his life to not be like that but I'm not about to become one of those people.

"Some new kid named Uriah said he came here because of a business deal his parents made," I say, finally letting go of the grasp I had on him. "Seems like a nice enough person to me."

He hums in response before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and walking us over to the refreshments table. I assumed it was for drinks but as he uncovered a bag from underneath the table and took out a 1-liter Coke bottle, I instantly knew it wasn't.

He looked down at me, smirking.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" he asks while handing me a new pack of red solo cups.

I quickly tear off the packaging and place each of them on the table. Kayson pulls something else from underneath the table, a cooler. He opens it and starts putting the ice in the cups, and I put coke in them as he finishes filling them up.

As I studied the cups, I noticed that he and Slater had been careful about leaving some normal ice in there, mixing them with the 'special' ones.

I spotted Slater next to Normani, their foreheads nearly touching as they seemed to be discussing something serious, but that conversation had to wait for a little while. I grabbed Kayson's arm and ran towards them.

We stopped in front of them and they seemed to have noticed because Normani looked like she'd just seen a ghost as she backed away from Slater. Kayson stands next to Slater and whispers something in his ear, Slater's response being a snicker.

Normani eyes them suspiciously. "What have you guys done?"

As the words escape her red-painted lips, the sound of screeching and yelps enter everyone's ears.

We all coincidentally snapped our heads at the same time to see the commotion. Uriah, Isa, - a girl from the drama club - and some other boy were the unlucky victims.

An all too familiar laugh goes off beside me and I turn to see Slater and Kayson, holding on to each other as they laugh their heads off. I, for one, couldn't find the strength in me to laugh as I saw Uriah's eyes flicker towards me with a look of disappointment.

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