"I don't mind. It just feels weird getting this wet and staying in it"He said gesturing to the long sleeve shirt he wore

"If you don't like the feeling why'd you want to wear it out here? Just take it off"

"Uhh I would rather not. I prefer staying covered up"

Kiri watched how he became a bit tense at the topic so he chose to change it.

"So you don't mind getting in the water?"Kiri asked to make sure he understood Fuji's feelings


That was all the confirmation Kiri needed. He quickly pulled Fuji into the pool bringing them both underwater until he swam up.

"It's so fucking cold. Did you seriously have to drag me in?"Fuji said when he made it to the surface

"Yes......wait you do know how to swim"Kiri exclaimed looking down at Fuji legs in the water helping him keep himself afloat

"Yea I kind of lied hoping that'll keep us from swimming but that obviously didn't work"He sheepishly explained himself "but I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't fond of pools"

"Since you didn't want to swim that much I'm happy you haven't tried to get out yet. I guess I can say you don't mind pools if I'm in them"Kiri joked pulling him closer to him "told you that you'll get in one way or another"

"Yea whatever"He said rolling his eyes "Back to what you said earlier. I got in so now I deserve my k-"

Kiri kissed him before he could even finish the sentence. He wrapped an arm around Fuji's waist to pull him closer.

"If I didn't know better I'll say you wanted to kiss me more than I wanted to kiss you"Fuji said breaking the kiss

"Hmm maybe I did"Kiri replied pecking his lips before pulling him further into the water "Now it's time to swim"

"I guess I have no choice"Fuji fake complained allowing Kiri to easily pull him

They swam and played for a good bit. Lots of laughter could be heard coming from the backyard. After awhile they were ready to get out then it dawned on Fuji he had no clean shirt to wear since he got in the pool with his shirt on. He wrung his shirt as they walked to the back door.

"Do you have a shirt I could wear?"

"Long sleeve?"Kiri guessed


"Come in we can wipe up the water after"Kiri said noticing Fuji stopped at the door not wanting to bring water in the house

He listened and followed Kiri to his room. He watched Kiri rummage through the dresser drawers trying to find a shirt Fuji would wear.

"Uh you can go shower or bath in that bathroom. I'll bring you some clothes"He said pointing to the bathroom connected to the bedroom

"I can wait until you find them"

"Fuji you're shivering as we speak. Go get in some warm water before you get sick"

Fuji sighed not even bothering to argue against him. He was definitely cold. He couldn't deny that but he didn't like the possibility of Kiri seeing him arms. Still he knew Kiri wouldn't let him stand there and freeze.

He walked to the bathroom, locked the door, grabbed his towels, and began adjusting the water to his desired heat. When he found the right temperature he just let the shower run while he still debated on getting in.

He knew if he got in then he'll have to grab the clothes from Kiri with his arms bare. He could really only think of the worst when it came to Kiri seeing his scars. His thoughts were interrupted by Kiri.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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