Chapter 11

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My hopes for a good night sleep are dashed when I wake I from a flashback to my time in the pit, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. It's not real, it's all over. I try to reassure myself. I wish Annabeth was here.

Maybe the gods took pity on me because at that moment an Iris message appeared hovering above my bed. Annabeth's image appear in the most. She is wearing pajamas and looks as if she was about to go to sleep. Maybe I am hallucinating.

"Wise girl." I croak out, unable to keep the desperation out of my voice.

She immediately softens, "Percy, what happened?"

"Dream. From..." I trailed off unable to finish but Annabeth understood me. "Why are you calling?"

"I wanted to see you before going to bed but I guess I forgot that with the time difference you would already be asleep."

"I guess I woke up just for you." I give her a goofy grinning, hiding the pain that still haunts both of us. I don't want her to worry about me too much. She is doing well and has a lot of opportunities, I don't want to drag her down.

"Seaweed brain." She give me a fond smile. "I spoke to the Lou Ellen from the Hectate cabin back at camp. She said that they are aware of this Wizarding world but is is generally a different type of magic then they use as Hectate kids. It is not directly connected to the Greek Pantheon but since it is magic, Hectate does have some influence over it. I think they generally leave it alone though. She said that their magic will have a weaker influence over monsters and magic from the Greek and Roman pantheons but might still have some."

"Uhh what does that even mean."

Annabeth sighs, "We are not sure. Since they don't interact much with the Wizarding world they don't exactly know what will happen so that can't say for sure that there will not be monsters and they are sure if the most will effect the wizards differently even though they are considered mortals."

"Great. So basically stay on guard."

"And don't let them know about us."

"Got it." I sigh, a little frustrated with the ambiguity of it all.

"So... have you done any magic yet?"

That cheers me up a little and I grab my wand to show her all of the stuff that I learned. She was really excited to hear about the translation spell and I silently vowed to make sure I learned how to do it before I returned so that I could show her. After talking so a bit we hung up and Annabeth went to bed.

I signed and plopped back down on my pillow before facing the bitter truth that I probably wouldn't be able to get anymore sleep so I got up and worked out for a bit to try and get rid of my anxious energy. Once I deem it a reasonable time to be awake I go and take a shower.

I go downstairs wearing a one of the Wizarding robes open over sweats and a t-shirt. Sirius is sitting at the table and already had a breakfast ready. He seems particularly happy this morning.
"Something good happen?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he smile but is a little distracted. "Hurry and eat so we can get started on you lessons."

"Okay" I chow down breakfast pretty fast and we get started working. We work together on some spells for a bit before he tells me he has something important to do. He assigns me some reading to do and tells me to practice before leaving. I wonder what he is up to but it is really none of my business.

I turn back to my books and start practicing. Back when I was in high school I never though that I would put actual effort into studying something but when I started college I realized that I actual like something. Classes that relate to my demigod abilities came much easier to me and could actually be fun. I haven't a chosen my major yet but I know it will end up being something related to Greece or the ocean.

At first when I started getting great grades in the marine biology class that I took Annabeth thought it might be cheating g to have such and advantage as being the son of the sea god and being able to talk to aquatic animals but I reminded her that current architecture styles are heavily influenced by green and Roman styles so she should have a very similar advantage.

She was so impressed that I remembered what she told me about architecture that she forgot about the whole issue.

I am enjoying learning magic a lot and am working pretty well but when I see Zoe's constellation in an astronomy map I become overwhelmed in sad memories.

It feels like so long ago that I followed Zoe Bianca Thalia and Grover on the quest across country to save Annabeth.

Zoe died and Bianca died too. It is my fault. No. Stop. I can't go back down into this rabbit hole.

I put all of the astronomy stuff aside. I am not sure why wizards study this stuff it doesn't seem very magical. I don't think it will be super relevant right now beside I do know the basics.

Annabeth likes star gazing sometimes and a lot of the constellations are Greek so she has told me about some of them. I just need to learn the basics so that I can control my magic. What will probably be most important is learning how to fight with magic because Annabeth said wizards are considered mortals so riptide will not work on them.

I can fight hand to hand without a sword pretty well, after all, you have to prepare for anything but my mom was right, I don't know if I can defend against magic. If my grandfather is after me, it would be good for me to be able to defend myself.

I think I will ask Sirius if we can focus the lessons to just the essentials because there is a lot of stuff that I don't think will be very relevant for me.

"Hey Percy, how is it going?" My thoughts are interrupted by Sirius who walks in appearing rather nervous.

"Good. I have made some progress."

"Good. Good. That's good to hear." Sirius's mind is clearly on something else. "I have something important to ask you."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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