not what I expected

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It was now time to introduce my uncle to the rest of the pack, so that he can go ahead with his plans on changing us into primordial wolves.

That alone can be of a disadvantage for the green forest pack, since we would be much more stronger and even much more powerful than them.

I saw Isaiah and smiled as I made my way towards him, but Asher didn't want me anywhere else if not for next to him, so he growled at me. I rolled my eyes and Isaiah snickered.

"Ok everyone, thank you for joining us. I'm sure by now you are all preparing for this war, that's coming and believe me it is drawing near. My uncle Alexander as something he would like to talk to you all about." Asher said and told Alexander to go ahead.

"Hello everyone. As you can see, yes I am your Alpha's uncle and I came to lend a helping hand. My name is Alexander Stark and I am the Alpha King of the blood stone pack. I am not any ordinary wolf. I am an alpha king yes, but what I am is also a primordial wolf." Everyone gasp and murmurs were heard all over.

"Silence everyone!" Asher said and gesture for Alexander to go on.

"I see that you all know about primordial wolves, and yes the stories about us are true. I am the leader, the king of all primordials. I was blessed with a few gifts by my dear friend Selene and now I am going all over to different packs to help them including everyone here. I have the blood to turn a normal werewolf into a primordial and that's what I want to talk to you all about." The place went silent as they listened to him with interest written all over their faces.

"I can cut my finger and you can get a taste of my blood, then you'll experience your shift. At first you'll get an unbearable hunger and you'd have to go and hunt to satisfy your cravings. Overall that would be the only side effect you'll experience." He said and I realized that everyone already wanted to become a primordial wolf, so he didn't really have to continue since they all agreed with him for the change.

"Ok, so as you see my mate Accalia had at first experienced a few gifts once I marked her and I'll tell you about them. Whenever you shift it will be different because once you want to shift back into your human form, you'll get new clothes right away so use this as a way of not having to go to the store at all. Next you'll become immortal and live a long life, and you'll still have the same look you have today even if you are a thousand year old. We will still get tired yes, but it will be a long time before you'll experience said tiredness. And last thing is that you probably know about other gifts, such as your eye color changing like mine. For example, it changes to blood red when you are angry, blue when you kill someone innocent and the other is that of your wolf. your speed will increase as well. Please bare In mind that this can also be beneficial to you in the war as the Alpha of the green forest pack, won't know what hits them and it would be too late for them to turn back. Overall you will have the upper hand with this war, but you still have to practice and make sure to always be on guard. Now I want to hear all of those who agrees with this change." Everyone started cheering and whistling which indicated that they had agreed.

"Ok, I'm not sure when this will all be over with since there's so many of you. But please line up and step up to me one by one and no, my mate cannot assist me with your change since I'm the only one with the blood to do so." My pack members all lined up and it was around twelve at night when uncle Alexander gave the last member his blood.

Even Kayden's family took turns as well and I was proud to see them stepping up. Alexander looked exhausted by the time he was done, so I told him to go get some rest as everyone started to leave. I looked at Kayden who had a smile on his face and pulled him towards me for a hug.

"Ok I know I've said this before about you not being able to visit your father, and my father had given me a verbal warning as to why I should let you visit him. So, I'm allowing you and Maya one visit and one visit only. tomorrow, I'll take you both to him heavily guarded as well." He nodded his head and sighed then looked at me.

"I only wanted to confront him about why he changed, when I told him about my sexuality that's all. I wasn't going to forgive him or anything like that." Kayden said and I nodded my head in understanding. I  then made my way over to maya to tell her to be ready by seven in the morning to go and see Charles.

I took Kayden away from there so he could go and get some rest, since he was starting to look tired. The next morning we woke up and had breakfast and with Ariel and Kathy asking me to let them come with us, I had no other choice but to agree.

Once we got down to the dungeon I saw Charles who looked like he had just woken up. He had a smirk on his face, when he saw us. But, it was quickly wiped off when he saw Maya and replaced by a shocked expression.

"Hello father, or may I say Charles?" Maya said as she walked up to him. He shook his head and blinked a couple times as if not believing she's actually there.

"W-What's going on? Everyone came to gang up on me? Ok truth is I did cheat on you Kathy and had Maya in the process. But, I gave her up to some Alpha and yes I know about werewolves so don't think for a second that I don't know your kind and won't hesitate to kill you all once I get out of these chains." He growled and I shook my head.

"Enough now Charles, we are not here for that. What we are here for, is to find out why you disowned your two kids who needed you the most? Why not step up and be a father to them?" I asked and Charles laughed and shook his head.

"I won't be a father to a faggot and a rejected freak, that's not who I am. If you both came here for closure then you can both fuck yourselves because you won't get that here." I heard a slap echoed in the dungeon and realized that it was Kathy who slapped Charles across his face.

"You-You piece of shit! Worthless, pathetic, fool! I'm sorry I ever marry you and I'm even more sorry I gave birth to my beautiful kids and deemed you their father. Go Fuck yourself Charles." We gasp when we heard a snap and saw Charles slumping on the ground. Did Kathy really just killed Charles in front of the kids? Oh Fuck this was getting out of hand by the minute, what the fuck?

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