mated to him

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We left the ceremony in a rush to get this mating thing over and done with.

Was I scared? Of course I was. I'm still a virgin and this was my first time even contemplating having sex with someone else. I'm gay and I knew this was bound to happen, me having sex with the same gender, but why the hell was I so scared now when I had already fooled around a lot with Asher before?

"It's ok baby, just breathe for me, we'll get through this together." I nodded my head and shrieked from the suddenness of being pushed on the bed right as we entered our room. Asher was laughing as he looked at my face and I scowled at him.

"Hey now, don't look at me like that my young king." He said and I couldn't help but laugh at that title and he chuckled as well. We stopped laughing and went unto serious matters, which includes the mating of course.

"I assume you are not ready for pups?" I shook my head and told him no which he understood. He did explain to me about mating and having pups before which I still found was weird.

Why the hell would I release something called slick during my mating time with Asher and why would my heat get me pregnant?

How the hell would I have those pups?

through my arse? Oh hell no!

I lost my train of thoughts, as My eyes became wide when he went to his dresser and pulled out a pack of condoms.

"There's only ten in this pack, maybe we'll need more than that. But right now you don't have to worry. I'll make sure not to release in you once we run out." Shit. That speech alone had my heart beating so fast, it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"I-I'm not worried about that." I replied. He marched up to me and pulled my head backwards so I could focus on him.

"You should be worried because by the time I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk for weeks and maybe I'll even let hunter out to play with you a bit." He growled out and I shivered a bit, feeling myself getting hard.

"W-Well enough talk and more action." I urged. That earned a laugh from Asher, as he pounced on me and made sure I felt everything he was about to give me.

After the mating session to say I was sore was an understatement, I was extremely sore! I couldn't move, Asher as done it this time went ahead and killed me with his love making.

I don't even know if I can call that love making the way he took me over and over again.

It was like he couldn't stop especially when he gave Hunter a chance.

Dammit my arse was on fire! I was sobbing as Asher took me off the bedz and sulking as he started walking towards the bathroom with me in his arms. He looked at me with a smug expression on his face and I so wanted to smack him right now.

"Can't say I didn't warn you." He said and I rolled my eyes and went back to sulking in my own little world.

Why the hell did he have to be so big? I remember seeing him naked back at the cabin and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I was left wondering how the heck that snake going to fit in my precious arse, but it did fit and now I'm in a world of pain.

"I've started a bath for you, just stay in there and relax while I go get something for you to eat. By the way my mark looks so good on you right now I wish I could take you over and over again." I shooed him away which had him laughing and leaving me in the bathroom.

I felt so relaxed that my eyes closed for a moment and I drifted off to sleep.

my dream was based on what we did a moment ago. Why on earth can't I escape it? I lived through it and now I have to dream about it as well?


Well my mind was dirty so I couldn't expect any better. In my dream Asher pushes me on the bed and straddle me, he grabbed my hands and held them above my head as he started grinding himself on me.

I felt so hot all I wanted to do was rip these clothes off, but Asher was making it difficult for me by the way he had me pinned on the bed.

He started kissing me slowly at first, as if memorizing my lips but then he picked up speed and by the time he was done my lips were bruised.

I was left in a panting mess, unable to catch my breath as Asher started taking my clothes off one by one.

Once he was done and I was only in my boxers, he just sat there staring at me with a dreamy expression on his face.

Any other time I would call him a perv, but right now my mind was shut down and my body had taken over. if that made sense. His eyes were changing as well, indicating that Hunter wanted out, but he was fighting him and winning.

"Fuck you're Gorgeous." He said and my heart fluttered at his statement. He went back to kissing me again and this time he took his time savoring the taste of my lips.

He then moved down to my neck, to my chest as he took my nipples in his mouth, to my belly and hell no he didn't stop there. He then made his way directly in front of my cock, as he stopped and stared at it for a moment. When he had his fill, he took me in his mouth and started sucking......

"Shit Kayden, wake up now or I'll take you over and over right here." I shot up and looked around frantically not recognizing my surrounding at first, but then I saw Asher and it all started coming back to me.

"I can smell your arousal from here." He announced and I started blushing. I tried to hide my face,  but he was having none of it as he pulled me towards him and started kissing me.

I kissed him back which was not a good thing to do as now we were both in the mood to go for another round. He pulled away and looked at me while panting really hard, just like me since we were both having difficulties catching our breaths.

"Let's calm down for a minute so you can relax and have something to eat." I nodded my head and he picks me up again. After he sets me down, he took up a towel and started drying me off but at first I refused, telling him I could do it myself.

but one pointed look from him had me backing down. He took me to the dresser where he pointed at my neck in ten mirror and my eyes became wide.

On my neck there was a black wolf with gold eyes and a golden crescent in the middle of it with Asher's name etched in my skin at the bottom.

It looked so beautiful I wanted to cry from the mere sight of it alone. I looked at Asher's neck and saw that a nice symbol was forming but it was only numbers and I frowned a bit, feeling confused.

"Hey don't worry too much about this, it's only because you are not a wolf as yet, so you can't properly mark me the way you're suppose to. so, it's going to only show numbers just like Lucas. It turns out that his mark was only numbers and so are mine, but it will change and resemble something similar to this once you transform. just like what Hunter said before." He explained and I nodded my head and proceeded to put some clothes on, with the help of Asher of course since I was still in a lot of pain.

After I was done getting dressed, he sets me down on the bed and brought the food over to me so we could eat it together.
It was curried shrimp and mash potatoes which was yummy of course. After I ate I fell asleep once again dreaming of our mating session, which left me feeling extremely happy being mated to Asher.

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