•Sanctuary (Hybrid AU)•

361 5 73

(Ships: none)

(Warnings: violence, minor blood, guns)

"Stop! Thief!" The boy-in-question sprinted down the road laughing, long ears flailing behind him like a banner. He could hear guards running behind him, but they didn't stand a chance at catching up. He bolted down a familiar alleyway towards a wall a good four meters tall. Without hesitation, he ran up to it, easily leaping over the barrier, much to his pursuers' fury.

With a taunting hollar, he landed with a somersault on the cobble road on the other side. He sped through a labyrinth of roads and buildings with ease, having fled through these streets countless times. He was about to pass one of the entrances to the market when he heard yelling.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything!"

"Shut up!"

Suspecting it was the guards he poked his head around the corner, scanning for threats.

In the middle of the street was a guard, not one of the one that had been chasing him, struggling with someone who looked to be several years younger than the boy hiding behind the corner. He had dog ears and a tail, and was frantically biting at the guard who had him pinned to the ground. More guards arrived, one roughly strapping a muzzle around the hybrid's face, another restraining his arms with rope and throwing him to the ground. The guard who now had bite marks on his arms kicked the hybrid in the ribs.

"Vile beast," he spat as the other two dragged the hybrid away. The boy around the corner watched wide-eyed, his rabbit tail twitching anxiously as he sprinted off, less excitedly this time.

He soon made his way out of the city and looked around cautiously before crossing a field full of grass nearly as tall as him. The field was the one thing standing between the city of Lakeband and the dense woods beside it. He walked through the trees, listening to the sound of birds and the crunch of leaves under his bare feet.

Mrrrow? The sound gave the boy a millisecond of a warning before bare feet collided with his back, sending him crashing to the forest floor. Rolling over, he looked up at his feline attacker who was crouched beside him, grinning triumphantly.

"Hey Grian! You're back!" He paused for a moment, sniffing the air. "Is that what I think it is?" Grian sat up and pulled the satchel from his shoulder, his friend opened it, eyes wide with excitement at the sight of four loaves of bread. "Food! Wait... you didn't even try to get a job, did you?"

Grian gestured to his long ears. "Who would hire me, anyway? Besides, I don't feel sorry, what have they ever done for us?"

"You stole!"

"And I'll do it again if it keeps us alive. Look, Mumbo, it may not be honest, but it's better than starvation."

"Can I at least go with you next time?"

"I already told you, no. It's far too dangerous."

Mumbo frowned, his black, pointed ears drooping. "I don't see why you get to go..."

Grian sighed like he was talking to a child, which was pretty much the case. They had decided Mumbo was around sixteen years old, two years younger than Grian, despite his noticeable height advantage. "So, are we gonna eat?"

The cat's grumpy attitude was lost at the mention of food. He pulled out two loaves, passing one to Grian. Unlike their last few meals, the bread was fresh and delicious. Sure, the baker would have Grian's head, and the butcher, and everyone else he had ever stolen from, but that was only if he was caught.

"So, what adventures have you been up to, today?"

"Well," Mumbo spoke between mouthfuls of bread. "I found some snails; wouldn't eat them, though, they look pretty gross. I still haven't found the other edge of the forest... Oh, I saw some humans, I think they were from Riverband. They were saying something about raids?"

(Mostly)Hermitcraft One-Shots, Art, and StuffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora