Chapter 11

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(No one's POV)

"But I also have been thinking about heaven. How it will be if I go there. What my paradise will look like. If I will see my mom? And those questions have bugged me since I got here. But I made my decision and I'm happy with it," Katrina looks at Lucifer and Arin then Michael.

"I'm going to stay here, in hell, with Lucifer and Arin," she says happily. Michael looks to her then his brother. "Mark my words brother this will not end well," Michael says before flapping his wings and soaring off.

Katrina was pulled into a tight hug from Lucifer and Arin. She hugged them back, so glad she chose hell. She was with two people she loved. It was like a dream. 

(Kat's POV)

 I was with people who cared for me and my decision was a good one to me. At least I'd be with them forever right? "Let's celebrate!," Arin says and I nod happily. Lucifer flies us back home, yes home, and holds my hand while we go to the kitchen. "Champagne?," Arin asks and I nod but Luci shakes his head. "No champagne for the little one, sparkling juice will do just fine for her," Luci tells Arin and she turns to go into the fridge to get the juice. "But I wanted the champagne!," I pout and Luci kisses my head. "This is why we aren't going to give it to you, you are a little baby, babies don't drink now do they?," He asks me, I just shake my head and rest my head on his side. 

Arin turns to us and gives me a cup with sparkling grape juice, then gives a glass of champagne to Lucifer. I look down at my cup then back at Arin. I start feeling little so I make that known. "Can I has a sippy instead?," I ask, Arin nods and quickly pours the juice into a sippy for me. Lucifer notes my change and picks me up. "Hi little one," He smiles at me and I smile back happily. "Hi daddy! I got juice," I hold up the sippy cup that was just now given to me. 

"I see, does it taste good?," Daddy asks and I shrug before taking a sip. My face scrunches up in disgust and I hold the sippy out for Mommy to take. "Yucky," I pout and they both chuckle. I didn't get what was funny, the juice was yucky. "Why laugh?". "Because it was funny darling," "No," I say with a huff. They both look at each other before getting up and walking to the nursery. "Don wanna, sweep wif mommy 'n daddy p'ease," I look at them with puppy dog eyes. They turn to look at each other for a moment before looking at me again. "Pick one of us bub," Mommy says. I tug on both of their shirts and they sigh. "Okay darling," Daddy says and I clap my hands. "You are such a daddy's girl," Mommy chuckles and I tilt my head not understanding, but I get distracted by daddy placing me on his bed and going to the bathroom. I see mommy go out of the room and I turn to look around again. 

Daddy's room was big. I looked over at his closet and happily crawled over to it. I tugged on some of the clothes that were hanging and they fell around me and on my head. I giggled and heard some footsteps then I was picked up by someone. "Who do we have here?," A voice says and I giggle more before uncovering myself. "Oh my! It's my pretty princess!," Mommy exclaims and I clap my hands. "Pwetty pwincess!," I repeat and mommy kisses my head. 

"What's all the commotion?," Daddy asks as he walks in. I look at him and smile while the clothes are still on me. He chuckles and pulls them off. "Someone got into daddy's closet huh?," He asks and I nod happily. "Silly girl," He smiles and I yawn in response. "Come on, it's a certain princesses bedtime," Daddy says as we get out of the closet and into bed after a quick change of clothes. 

"Goodnight Princess," Daddy says. "Goodnight love," Mommy says. I smile to myself as I cuddle against them both. "Nini mommy 'n daddy," I say as I fall asleep. 

I dreamt about all the things I could do with Lucifer and Arin now that I was here with them forever. I hope nothing ever happens to make me leave them. They are home. 


Hey people! So sorry for not updating. I had summer school so all my focus was on that. (I did pass!) Also I just got a laptop yesterday so now it easier to write, I'm writing this on it now, I've been wanting one for a long time and finally got all the money so yay! Also i promise the story will get more juicy in the next few chapters, I have a lot in mind for this story! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! 

I love all you girls, guys, and non-binary pals! <3

WC: 842

Bye Angels!

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