Chapter 4

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(Katrina's POV)

I quickly changed into another pull up after wiping myself down. I suddenly heard a knock from the door and I went to open it.

"Oh hi lucifer!" I smile as I let Lucifer into my room. I sit on the bed with him and he turns to me, he looks serious so I start to get nervous.

"Kat, we need to talk" he says to me, which makes me even more nervous. "Okay, what's up?" I say calmly.

"We need to talk about you hiding who you are" he starts. "What do you mean?" I reply to him as I fiddle with my sleeves.

"You can't lie to the devil love. I know you are a little, it's not that hard to figure out. What I don't get is why you want to hide it? I don't mind it and I know Arin doesn't either, so why hide it?" He continues and I look up at him with my mouth slightly open.

"How did you- nevermind, umm I hide it because I also hid it on earth. People aren't as nice as they seem, I once told my other best friend about it and she said I was disgusting. It made me feel horrible even though I'm a little and I age regress from trauma and stress and other things" I explain, I notice Lucifer's face expression turns into a look of anger and also sadness.

"Well we aren't from earth here. We don't care what you do or how you do things. I would never ever judge you for who you are. You never judged me, so why would I judge you?" He asks and I shrug.

"I dunno, I guess I was just afraid you'd also think I was disgusting" I say in a whisper as I look down. "I would never think you are disgusting for coping with your trauma and stress in a different way love" he says as he holds my chin up with two of his fingers.

I smile and hug him tightly. To which he returns after a moment. "Thank you Lucifer" I say as I look up at him.

"You are welcome Kat" he smiles back and then he suddenly picks me up and I squeak in surprise.

"What are you doing? Where are we going Lucifer?" I ask him as he places me on his hip and walks out of my room and down a hall.

"You'll see love" he says with a smirk and I can't help but get curious to what he was going to show me. He takes me to a room next to his and opens the door to show a fully made nursery, but everything is bigger so it would fit an adult.

I gasped as it was all pink, purple, blue, and yellow. "How did you make this so fast?" I ask as I wiggle in his arms for him to let me down.

"Love, I'm the devil, I can get anything I want. Also I've had this nursery for a while. I've always wanted a little, but I never really found the right one so I just gave up" he said as he let me go and I ran around the nursery looking at all the things he had.

"Its so pretty in here! Oh my gosh I love the colors!" I squeal as I gush over the room. Suddenly Lucifer is beside me with a brown stuffed bear and a green Dino stuffie. "Which one do you want hun?" He asks me and I take the dinosaur and hug him quickly.

"I see you like the Dinosaur. He is very fluffy isn't he?" Lucifer asks me and I nod quickly. I feel myself slip into little space.

"I wanna call him Mr leafy!" I say happily. Lucifer bends down and shakes one of his feet. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Leafy" he smiles and I hug Mr leafy tight.

"Now, let's get some dinner in that little tummy of yours shall we?" Lucifer tickles my tummy and I giggle then he picks me up, setting me on his hip and taking me to the kitchen.

I sit at the kitchen island as I see Lucifer pull out spaghetti noodles and I clap my hands. "Spaghetti!!" I squealed and he chuckles. "Yes it is love, you are so smart! How about you go to the living room and I make dinner then we can eat together! Does that sound good love?" He asks and I nod.

He picks me up and sets me down on the ground and I quickly go to the living room and pull my box with my bottle and sippy and paci out and I scatter them on the couch before I lay down with Gen and start watching barbie.

I place the paci in my mouth as me and Gen are both focused on Raquel trying to take over barbies store on the TV. 

"Kat, dinners ready! Come and sit" Lucifer shouts out and I keep watching the screen.

After a few minutes I see Lucifer standing in front of the TV. "Luci, moveeeeee I wanna watch the TV!" I whine, but he ignores me and shuts the TV off, Moving the remote to a high shelf where I can't reach.

I pout and hold his hand as he leads me to the dining room for dinner. I see a highchair and I look up at him with worry. "I have to sit in that?" I ask, it's not that I didn't want too, I just didn't want him to think I'm weird.

"Love, you aren't weird. I don't care if you want to sit in it, I put it there for you to sit in it. Now come on, I know that little tummy of yours is hungry" he tickles my tummy and I giggle before he puts me in the highchair and sets a plate in front of me.

I see it's a pink princess plate with a kids plastic fork, it had a little barbie design on it. I started to eat it happily.

I ended up finishing the plate and I giggled as Lucifer cleaned me up and tickled me saying I was such a messy girl .

"Okay love, time for a bath and then bed" Lucifer takes me into the bathroom in the nursery, he sets me on the toilet and starts a bath for me.

"If you need anything, call for me. I'll be right outside and I'll give you You're clothes" he smiles and leaves me to take a bath.

After about half an hour in the bath, I finish washing myself and I get out. "Luci? Can I has my clothes p'ease?" I ask him politely. He opens the door a little and hands me a diaper and a black and red footed onesie. I smiled and got my clothes on then I left the bathroom.

Lucifer smiled as he saw me in the onesie. "You look absolutely adorable" he says and pulls out a black and red paci from a drawer, he pops it into my mouth and I take It happily.

I'm picked up and placed in the crib and I look up at Lucifer as he tucks me in and he kisses my head.

"Sweet dreams love, call out to me if you need me" Lucifer whispers and picks up and turns on what looks like a baby monitor.

"Nini luci" I say before I fall asleep.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed! This was fun to write!

I love all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! ♡

WC: 1277
Bye Angel's! 👼

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