Take A Chance On Me [boyxboy]

Start from the beginning

                He was sitting down, his back resting against the wall. His arms were wrapped around his knees and he was staring down at his feet. He had one earphone in, the other dangling down by his waist. His iPod was held in one hand.

                “You are so pathetic.” Eric spat the words out, like he was literally trying to throw them at him with his mouth. Eric had a smirk on his face as he stood over Callum.

                It was kind of amusing. Callum was a tall, muscular kid. But there he sat, being bullied by Eric, an average sized guy.

                Eric kicked at Callum’s hand, the one holding the iPod. Callum pulled his hand away quickly, and Eric’s foot connected with his leg.

                Callum shoved his iPod into his back pocket before wrapping his arm back around his leg. He kept his eyes on his feet, trying to ignore the three kids surrounding him.

                Eric glanced back and noticed me and Ashley. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, shaking his head.

                “We’ll see you later loser.” He said, the smirk returning to his face as he turned to Callum. He kicked Callum again before coming over to us.

                We began to walk towards our lockers together, and I wondered if I should ask Eric the question on my mind. I didn’t want him to snap at me.

                “Tate, what are you thinking about?” Tabitha asked, watching me suspiciously.

                “I was just wondering why you guys always pick on Callum.” I said, deciding to be honest.

                “Because he’s pathetic.” Eric said flatly.

                I nodded at him like I understood. I didn’t understand at all, but I didn’t want to press him about the subject. That kid was not worth losing my friends over.

                You see, Eric, Tabitha, Rupert, Ashley, and I were the popular kids of the school. And that was only natural. We were the best in the school.

                “Hey Tate, check it out.” Rupert said, nodding over at one of the janitors, who was cleaning up some coffee a sleepy kid must have spilled near the lockers.

                “A fat, balding janitor. Why am I checking him out?” I asked in confusion. Okay, I’m not that desperate…yet…

                No, no, no. Tate, have standards.

                And stop talking to yourself. Myself. Wait…Yeah, I’ll just stop talking now.

                “Look where his keys are.” Rupert said, gesturing at the keys lying on the ground and giving me a mischievous look.

                “What about them?” I asked. I had no idea where Rupert was going with this.

                “Steal them.” Tabitha said suddenly, nudging Rupert. Rupert nodded eagerly.

                “Why am I stealing the janitor’s keys?” Did they want to break into his office and steal his lunch or something? I mean, he seemed like a peanut butter and jelly kind of guy. Yuck.

                “Because that key ring has the keys to every room in this building on it,” Tabitha explained impatiently. “Go take them, Tate. It could be fun. We could mess around with some of the teachers.”

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