Chapter 24 - Parents, Am I Right?

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The anticipation for Friday was like waiting for the starting buzzer at a climbing competition. There was so much anxiety, suspense, and excitement that time felt like it was going too fast, yet a single minute would never end.

It has been a struggle all week not to try and talk to Brynn when I saw her in the hallway. Even sitting next to Drew in theatre class was difficult because all we wanted to do was talk about the dance. But because Austin seemed clueless about how mad Drew was at him, we were never able to get out of earshot.

Thankfully though, Friday was finally here, and I was at Mia's house getting ready with her and Paige. We were currently camped out in front of a large mirror in her dad's workout room in the basement, listening to an episode of Gilmore Girls and attempting to apply shimmering eye shadow.

"Mia, you have to stop blinking," Paige scolded, "If I have to remove your makeup one more time, I'm going to scream."

Mia scoffed but didn't comment as she hyper-focused on keeping her eyelid still. Paige was honestly the perfect yin to Mia's yang. Able to calm her girlfriend down in an instant and has the patients of a saint. 

We continued to apply our respective 'glam' looks in deep, silent concentration. I was hyper-focused on applying my golden eyeshadow, listening to Rory prepare for her first high school dance with Dean.


"Was that the doorbell?" Mia startled. 

"Damn it, Mia!," Paige blurted, throwing the brush to the ground, "we almost had it!" 

"I don't know. I was listening to the show!" I whisper-panicked. 

I was one step away from finishing my makeup, but my hair still needed a lot of work. I was nowhere near ready to have that POW moment I wanted with Oscar. Making his heart skip a beat when he saw me for the first time in my dress.

Mia rapidly felt the ground around her in search of her phone, "It's only 5:34! I told the guys not to be here until 6!"

"Mia, Lana," Paige spoke calmly, "Have you thought about asking who it is before you start working yourself into such a panic your makeup falls off?"

Mia gave her a pointed look for a second before unlocking her phone, swiping, and holding it up to her ear.

"Who are you calling," I asked, trying to finish the perfect blend on my eye shadow just in case. 

I wanted to do the whole walk down the stairs-I guess up them in my case-smile at Oscar, do a little twirl, and make him feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I did not want him to see me in my getting ready phase with a baggy button-down flannel, rolled-up sweat pants, and fluffy socks.

I mean, I looked cute right now, but like, I wanted that quintessential high school dance moment. I had dreamt about going to a school dance like this, and now that I actually get to, I wanted it to be perfect.

"Dad, who the hell is at the door right now?" Mia barked into her phone. She listed for a second before rolling her eyes, "Sorry. Who is at the door my loving pa?" She gave me a pointed look, "Okay, thanks, we'll try and hurry up. Bye."

"Well?" Paige asked. 

"It's just Lana's parents," Mia waved off the situation with her uncapped mascara wand and returned to work.

"Oh, sorry. They have a hard time not freaking out and getting to places early." I sighed in relief and began work on my other eye. A few moments later, we heard the telltale squeaks of the staircase as someone came down into the basement.

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