"Quiet!" He ordered. "Prey such as her only comes occasionally. To eat her now would end the pleasure too soon. She must be saved for the right moment."

He jerked open the front gates and charged into his realm to hunt for a proper replacement meal.


When Charlotte woke up at last she expected to find herself in the kingdom of heaven. But very quickly she realized that she was still alive and still on earth. She then took notice of her new surroundings which greatly differed where she had been just before she lost consciousness.

It was the most elegant and dazzling bedroom that she had ever seen. Although it was built in the form of nature like every other room in the castle, this room was of only the beautiful and majestic elements of nature. Her walls were of Arbutus trees, her roof gold-green leaves, her windows lined with garlands, and Summer roses decorated all around. Her bed was canopy style with cream colored sheets and curtains, her pillows all silken, and her blankets were either fur or quilted with floral embroidery. Her furniture consisted of a wardrobe and vanity carved from white-wood and a marble basin full of sparkling clear water.

When she stood up from the bed she finally noticed the change in her clothing. Her gown was made from gold and cream silken with yellow roses embroidered along the edges and precious stones were trimmed in the garment as well. On her feet were dainty slippers made from satin and a gold chain bearing diamonds was around her neck. She looked more splendid than that of a princess and could not believe her eyes when she saw herself in the mirror of her vanity.

When she opened her wardrobe she found an endless amount of equally magnificent gowns and slippers all neatly laid out for her. Looking in the drawers of the vanity she found exquisite perfumes, powders, and rouges, silver brushes and combs, and a small chest of the most sparkling jewelry that she could ever imagine.

Though amazed by all of this she couldn't help but feel confused as well. Why was she in this room? Why was she wearing these clothes and jewelry? But most of all why was she still alive?

For hours she just sat in that room waiting for someone to come in but no one came and eventually she felt herself start to become hungry so she quietly left the room to search for any kind of small morsel that could tied her over. But in the end she would be getting more than a morsel when she caught the scent of something tasty coming from a room across the bottom of the stairway.

The scent lead her to the dining hall by the fireplace where a table set with silver, a lit gold candles, and a plate which held a delicious meal of roasted meat and cooked vegetables. Next to it was a perfectly aged red wine and a crystal goblet. Charlotte sat down at the table but she did not eat or drink anything for she was not entirely certain that she was welcome to do so.

Then she became aware of a different scent. One of damp fur and blood. She heard footsteps and breathing. She correctly deduced that this was the master her father and spoken of and held her breath in the fear that this would be the moment she died. However she would not scream. She was innocent in spirit but also strong. She would face him and her death with dignity.

"Don't turn around." He said when she moved her head. "Stay as you are, please."

His voice was not at all what she had expected. She thought that when he spoke to her he would use a very loud and angry tone but it was surprisingly very calm and gentlemanly.

"Good...Good evening sir." She tried not to tremble. "Are you the master of this castle?"

"I am." He answered. "Have you come to take the place of the man who wronged me?"

"Yes." She answered. "He was my father."

"Did you come here of your own free will?"


"He did not force you?"

"No. I wanted to die in his place. It is I who has wronged you not him. He took that rose for me. I asked him to bring me a rose if he should happen to see one on his journey."

"Are you not afraid to die?"

"Oh no I am very afraid but I love my father more than I fear any gruesome death that I may face at your hands sir. I only pray that you are a merciful man who will take my life in a quick and painless way."

"Man, did you say?"

"I meant no offense but you are a stranger."

"Did your father not tell you anything about me?"

"Only how angry you were over the loss of the rose and that you were cannibalistic. You mentioned devouring him or whoever took his place."

Her hands were shaking at the idea of being eaten. Getting killed was already scary enough but having your remains ate up as if it were sausage meat was petrifying.

"Did he speak of anything else?"

"Such as?"

"What I looked like?"

"He said that you smiled the whole time you spoke to him even though you were angry but other than that, no. He told me nothing else in regards to your appearance. Why do you ask?"

"Never mind that my dear. It is of no importance to you."

"Do you have a name sir?"

She heard him take a breath of hesitance before answering.

"Alastor." He said. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Quite a pleasure."

"My name is Charlotte."

The beast called Alastor took note of the untouched food and wine at the table.

"Why do you not eat?" He asked. "Surely by now you must be starving."

"I did not know if the food was meant for me and I...I was partially afraid to eat the meat. I thought that it might be..." She couldn't finish.

"It is venison." He told her. "I can assure you that any meat served to you will only come from an animal."

"You speak as if I will be staying here long. As if you intend to keep me alive."

Alastor did not respond to that but he still continued.

"You may go anywhere you wish in my castle. My servants are at your disposal. You need only ask and you shall have whatever you desire. But I have two conditions that you must follow. Never try to see me and never leave your room after midnight."

"Why? What will happen?"

No answer.

"Sir are you still here?"

Still nothing.


She turned around but saw no one. At the moment she didn't know weather to be relieved or even more afraid.

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