Chapter 50

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The coming days had prevailed uneventful for the girls.

After the tension and pressure of the Magic School Tournament, they wished to be free of knowing what the future held, free of the consequences of their previous actions and just live their lives as normal teenagers for once.

But that again had turned out to be wrong.

On the first day of vacation, Wendy had a precognition that made the girls shudder in fear and anxiety as they waited helplessly.

It didn't take very long for them to connect the two dots of her intense visions of the future.

The first time she had witnessed such severe precognition was quite a while ago. She had seen students from multiple schools fighting, the ground they stood on in flames and a bloodied Jungkook lying almost lifeless on the ground.

She had seen the Majestia Flags hung on tall poles in the middle of a large field. The double holders realised it to be the Arena where they held the Magic School Tournament. They had expected a full-on attack from Henry and Twice but nothing happened. This meant that the vision had yet to come true.

The second precognition had tied together some loose ends. She realized that the place she had seen burning before was not the Arena but the Royal Castle. The scene was similar and the more she thought about it the more sense it started to make. The flags were on fire, distant screams could be heard, the huge green fields were similar during the night and its majestic buildings could have been confused for the other.

But this time she hadn't seen Jungkook at all and only witnessed Nayeon attempt to kill Yoongi. Meaning that both of these tragic events would occur at different times and places, but on the same day.

These visions of hers were undoubtedly connected, either they showed the same tragic event or her mind was messing with her. She didn't understand how it would all come together. How would Palace end up in such a state? Who set the place on fire? Why was Nayeon there? And does that mean Henry might come back too?

The questions and assumptions were far too terrifying to get into.

None of the girls had yet told Bangtan. The day was full of activities and occasions, so they barely had time to even speak to each other.

They were woken up early in the morning around eight and rushed to get dressed in the most flattering outfit they had as they were going to eat breakfast with King and Queen Marigold. Some students wore extremely formal clothing, wavy silk dresses, their hair set in some sort of bun or hairstyle and their faces caked up with makeup and jewellery. While others students dressed far too casually compared to the formers. They wore simple jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket or coat on to see a bit more presentable. Both of the students felt extremely embarrassed of themselves while looking at the other. The proper dressed felt a bit awkward that they had gone all out while the latter felt embarrassed for being nonformal.

The King and Queen didn't seem to mind this at all because all they could talk about was the upcoming ball that would be held in Izar by the Royal Elemental Family of Water. The Queen happily discussed what she would wear and how she wanted to wear the special woven silk by a famous designer in Oberon. Many of the females listened intently either out of interest or fear of getting called out for it. The King on the other hand would only speak about his relations with the head of the Oberon family and his daughter, Talia Oberon who was the headmistress of Castlebroxo.

While the others cheerfully praised the King or Queen, trying their best to make some sort of conversation, the Silence was absolutely out of it.

Momo was still stuck on her family matters and tried her best to enjoy the meal. Wendy on the other hand decided to sit with Mark of Got7 for breakfast. She didn't mention her situation with Yoongi but still tried her best to talk to him in some kind of manner. He was rather stubborn, giving one-sentence answers, not looking at her, and making it extremely awkward for the auburn-haired girl.  The rest of them either feared Wendy's vision or worried about telling Bangtan. Barely any of them could think straight and not get disturbed.

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