Chapter 13: Sentenced

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Awww snap! An authors note at the top, whaaa-aaat! O.o OMG! it's the sixth chapter, holy crap! I cant believe it! If it weren't for you guys and your wonderfully amazing reviews ;D this would never be up here! Thank you so much, you have no idea how happy I get whenever I see a review from FF, as well as Fav author, story, ect. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

"Where the fuck have you been Tim?" Dally cussed at his friend.

"Around. I was at Buck's the other day, ended up spendin' the night with how fucked up I was, why?" Tim said, letting out a stream of smoke through his lips. "Ya need me for somethin'?" the hood asked before placing the cigarette back to his mouth.

"Why the fuck else would I ask where you were jackass! I needed to blow off some damn steam," Dallas growled, his blue eyes blazing with coldness.

"The lil' Curtis not lettin' ya fuck 'im, that why you're so edgy?" Tim asked with a chuckle, blowing a puff of smoke out his mouth. Dally looked at him dangerously with icy eyes. "Ever since you got your fingers in that tight little ass of the Curtis kid you haven't blown a load," Tim explained to the blonde.

"What the hell ya mean Sheppard?" Dally hissed dangerously, taking a step towards the hood. For the past few weeks Dally's and Pony's 'relationship' hasn't gotten very far other than hook ups and hanging out.

"What I'm sayin' is you need to fight or fuck ta keep yourself balanced, if you ain't doin' either one, then you're edgier and colder than you usually are; like any other greaser or hood in Tulsa," Tim stated bluntly "Why else would you have wanted to see me, either to fight or fuck me, that's how it usually is whenever any of your damn broads ain't puttin' out," Tim growled out, tapping the ashes off his cigarette into an ashtray close by.

"You're gettin' soft 'cause of that lil' grease of yours and I think that's what's pissin' you off so much; with all the shit I've been sayin' I would have gotten a punch to the face and two kicks to the ribs," Tim said, leaning back against the couch. Dallas took the cigarette from his friend, taking a long drag.

"Gettin' soft," Dallas muttered, exhaling the smoke that he'd takin in, handing the cigarette back to Tim. The hood reached out for it, only to have his arm painfully twisted and yanked forward by the blonde. "How's this for soft?" Dallas hissed, grinding the lit cigarette into the hood's wrist, listening to him grunt in pain.

"Fuck off Winston," Tim growled, yanking his arm away.

"Will do Shepard," Dally growled back, belting Tim across the face with his tight knuckled fist, taking his leave as he stormed out the house. 'Fuckin' asshole doesn't know shit!' Dallas thought, striding down the sidewalk, not caring who was in his path he'd plow through them. 'I'm not soft, I'm not getting fucking soft! I'll show that damn little fuck piece I'm not gettin' soft 'cause of him!' Dallas cussed in his head, his jaw clenched tight as he gritted his teeth. 'I'm not fucking soft!' Dallas thought, 'I'm fuckin' Dallas Winston, I ain't fuckin' soft!' the blonde screamed in his head, shoving the person that happened to be walking next to him, carrying on his way as he stormed down the sidewalk.

Back at the Curtis house it was just another typical afternoon with Two-Bit babysitting the youngest greaser, seeing as how Dallas was off somewhere else. Since Pony and Dally's last hook up, Pony's been thinking a lot about 'giving it up'.

'I do love him more than a friend, and I definitely want to be with him I'm just not ready to hand over my V-card.' Pony thought to himself as he gnawed at his bottom lip. 'And I know Dally is wearing thin with my stalling; it's almost hard for him to stop sometimes when he starts to get too into it he wants it so bad,' the young greaser thought. 'I 'probly want him as much as he wants me sometimes, which only makes it all the more difficult for me,' Pony thought, remembering all the numerous of times he and Dally have hooked up. 'Well, when we hook up, it feels pretty good, so wouldn't sex feel ten times better if not a hundred times better?' Pony asked himself, not able to stop the deep blush that covered his soft cheeks. 'So why not, I mean, it's not like its some random greaser or hood, it's Dally, who I love more than friend, which I hope the feeling is mutual to him as it is to me,' the young greaser reasoned with himself. 'But still, I have such a nagging feeling that it's bad, that I shouldn't do it, maybe when I sleep with him it'll go away,' Pony thought, finally deciding on his choice.

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