Chapter 15: Wasting

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Chap 7 ya'll! Some S/Pb! and lil' bit of J/Pb! I hope you guys don't mind that ;D 'course ya don't! Well, a song from the band Weezer made me think to pair up J and Pb, and Johnny's going to have a few lines from the song, just throwing a disclaimer out there to my favorite band. But definitely look up the song: Brave new world by Weezer, It goes perfectly with Johnny and Pony's relationship in this chap. To help you guys decipher which ones are the lyrics and which ones aren't, I'll put the lyrics in this style and the non-lyrics in normal print =) Oh, and fyi, Pony's bein' a bit of a Debby downer and doesn't have much of his fight left in him ever since I sent you know who to da coola

Pony: ;n; y u so mean?

Ponyboy laid in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Feeling deeply under the weather. Seemingly to have gone into a depression ever since Dally was locked up. Sulking, sighing and moping was all he seemed to do anymore.

'I knew Dal would've left me if I didn't give it up to him, why else would he get himself in trouble like that?' Ponyboy thought, sighing as he pulled the blanket to his chest. 'I was just his damn play thing.' Pony thought angrily, hating himself for actually believing the hood when he said he loved him. 'I can't believe I was so stupid!' the auburn thought, clenching his fists into the blanket, glaring holes into the ceiling. 'I'm more angry at myself for loving him,' Pony thought, rolling onto his side, staring out the window. 'He lied to me,' Ponyboy thought sadly, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"Pony, you alright?" Soda asked, settling into bed next to his brother. Rubbing his brother's shoulder as if to coax the words out of him. "I know Dal was pretty close to you, that why yer so gloomy Pone?" Sodapop asked, stroking his brother's arm soothing and sympathetically.

"I just-" Ponyboy began to say, only to cut it off with an irritated sigh, shaking his head.

"Ya just what Pone?" Soda asked, pulling on his brother's shoulder so he was laying on his back; no longer facing away from him.

"I-" Ponyboy paused, unsure of how to break it to his brother. "Can I tell you something? And you promise not to tell anyone?" Ponyboy asked, rolling onto his side so he could face his brother better.

"Pony, you can tell me anythin'," Soda said with a laugh, almost finding it cute how his brother still managed to act like an elementary-Schooler; given his age and his high school stature, he managed to pull it off quite well.

"Well, yeah, me and Dally were pretty close, actually really close," Ponyboy said, a slight blush creeping to his cheeks.

"I'm not followin' too closely Pone," Soda said, not understanding what Pony meant entirely. Feeling a tad apologetic when his brother sighed in irritation.

"I- we-we kinda, had something," Ponyboy stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously " We had feelings for each other, and, well..." Soda starred at his brother for a moment before asking,

"So you were seein' each other; like hookin' up?" Soda said, watching as his brother's face flushed completely red as he nodded. "Oh," Soda said nonchalantly. "Oh!" he said again when the realization struck him, "Oh," he said again, nodding his head in what seemed like an understanding or approval, "Oh, naawww!" he said once more, ruffling his brothers hair. "Oh, that stinks, he got himself in jail, Awww. don't worry, it'll work." Soda said, giving his brother a hug.

"Really?" Ponyboy asked, letting himself get pulled into a hug by his brother, laying lax as his brother's arms wrapped around him.

"Yeah," Soda said, rubbing his brother's back. "I know from experience." Sodapop said, patting Pony lightly.

"Experience? Have you dated a guy before?" Ponyboy asked, nuzzling his chin into his brother's chest, looking at him with his big green eyes.

"I didn't 'date' him, I am dating him, I guess." Soda said, twirling a lock of his brother's auburn hair.

The Outsiders: WantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora