Chapter 11: Ambivalent

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"So, what you guys got this marking period?" Two-Bit asked as he drove Ponyboy, Johnny, Steve and himself to school.

"Me 'n Johnny got health, that's about it," Pony answered for the both of them.

"Eh, not me, I got gym," Two-Bit mumbled, " doin' track - all we do is run; it's so boring! Wouldn't mind if we could toss a football around while runnin' er somethin'," Two-Bit muttered with a sour puss on his face, making Pony chuckle a little.

"The point of track is to run, not much other than that Two-Bit," Pony said with a soft chuckle.

"Well, I still don't like it," Two-Bit huffed.

"He's a foot fairy Two-Bit, 'coarse he likes runnin'," Steve said with a twist of venom on his words as he glared at Ponyboy from the front seat.

"A foot fairy has to do with soccer ya moron," Ponyboy spat back, glaring back at the other greaser.

"Yer still runnin' in either sport," Steve shot back.

"Yeah, but there's a ball and a goal in soccer, not in track," Pony argued.

"Nuh uh, what about that shot put-ter thing? That's a ball," Steve countered, getting Ponyboy flustered. 'This is pissin' him off so much, oh this is great!' Steve thought as he watched as the younger greaser smacked his palm to his forehead.

"Ugh! That's shot put, and you sure as heck wouldn't want to kick that thing around- it weighs at least twelve to eight pounds, and that doesn't even have to do with track, that's field!" Ponyboy scoffed back at the other greaser's comment.

"Whatever, kid. Ya always get so touchy when it comes ta track," Steve said with a bit of edge.

"Only when idiots like you try to bash on it and they don't even know what they're talking about," Pony retorted. Steve's face contorted with anger at the younger greaser's comment.

"You better shut yer dang trap before I-"

"Before you what Steve?" Two-Bit interrupted the other greaser before he could finish what he was about to say. "You just cant take yer own medicine when it's spat right back in yer face," Two-Bit said as he pulled into the school parking lot. Steve settled deeper into his seat, muttering a 'whatever' as he glared out the window. Two-Bit pulled into a space, putting the car in park before turning it off - pulling the key out of the ignition as he got out of the car.

"Catch ya guys later," Steve said as he slung his book-bag over his shoulder, walking towards the front of the school without another word. Two-Bit waited for the two younger greasers as they clambered their way out from the backseat, closing and locking up his car when the two finally made it out. The trio made their way to the school's entrance, scuffling their feet along the cracked and worn out asphalt of the parking lot.

"Don't let 'em get ta ya like that Ponyboy; he only does it ta see ya get all riled up," the rusty haired teen said, slinging his arm across the younger boy's shoulder's. "'Sides, he ain't worth it," Two-Bit grinned, pulling the auburn closer to his body as his arm wound around the boy's neck in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles hard against the boy's scalp, giving the smaller greaser a nuggie.

"Ah! Two-Bit, quit it!" Ponyboy grunted as he clutched his hand onto Two-Bit's thickly muscled arm, struggling and wriggling as he tried to get out of the older greaser's hold. Ponyboy continued to struggle a few moments longer until Two-Bit finally let up, letting the auburn go, chuckling and grinning like a mad man.

"See ya around guys," Two-Bit said before trotting off to his locker down the hall.

"See ya," Pony called after him as he and Johnny walked to their lockers.

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