Chapter 4: Attraction pt3

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Continues from last chapter. Last sentence of last chapter: He watched as the three of them walked away, nearly fuming with anger as he shot daggers at Dally's back.

The trio let their feet guide them along, not caring where they went or how they got there. They ended up at the near by park, walking across the green grass towards the swing-set.

"Dibs on this one!" Dally shouted as he darted to the swing of his choice, snatching the cool metal chain in his hand. Johnny followed Dally's actions, grabbing a hold of the swing beside the blond. Ponyboy came up short; his day dreaming having gotten the best of him, he hadn't heard a single word either of them had said. He jogged up to the swing-set, his eyes laying on the third swing as it still clung desperately to the top bar by one chain, its other arm lay broken and caked with dirt on the ground.

"Hey Pony, got a spot for ya right here." Dally chuckled as he patted his lap as he swung slowly in the swing. Pony's face flushed lightly as he walked over to the hood. "Ya gonna sit or what?" Dally asked as he stopped his swinging. Ponyboy rolled his eyes and turned around, timidly setting himself on the blonde's lap, his hands clutched tightly to Dally's knees as the hood began to push off of the ground with his feet, forcing the two of them backwards. Dally kicked his feet backwards then forwards, causing Ponyboy to loose his grip on the hood's knees, making him collapse against Dally's chest. As Dallas's feet continued to kick at the air, Pony began to slip from the blonde's lap as they rose higher and higher into the air. Before Ponyboy could fall off completely, a strong arm wrapped around his thin waist, securing him to the hard chest in back of him. "You're not slippin' away from me that easily." Dally whispered into the younger greaser's ear as he tightened his grip, making the younger blush.

"Why don't we go down to the drugstore in the shopping center n' get some Cokes."

Johnny suggested, breaking the other boys' concentration on one another.

"Uh, sure. Sounds good to me." Ponyboy said as he slid off the hood's lap after the blond slowed down enough. "What do you think Dal?" Pony asked, turning around to face the blond, whom was still sitting in the swing.

"Sure. Don't see why not." Dallas smirked as he stood up from the swing. "I'll buy, seein' as how you two 'probly don't have the money." Dally teased as they began their long walk.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the drugstore. The whole parking lot was nearly to the brim with greasers and hoods, all talking and reminiscing. Out of the crowd of greased heads, Dally managed to find Tim Shepard.

"Hey, Shepard!" the blond shouted as he made his way to his friend, turning many heads, all watching the three boys as they walked across the parking lot.

"What is it, Winston?" Tim asked as he leaned against his car with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

"Goin' over to the Nightly Double later, you in?" Dally asked, motioning to the two greasers with him. Tim looked over to the two greasers, then back to Dally.

"Sure." Tim shrugged, not really caring, seeing as how he had nothing else better to do. Dally turned and walked away with Johnny and Ponyboy towards the drugstore.

"Ladies first." Dally smirked as he held the door open for the two young greasers.

"Oh, you're so kind." Ponyboy said in a sarcastic voice as he stepped in behind a somewhat flustered Johnny. Hearing a few greasers and hoods laugh at Dally's comment, decided to play along "But we're greasy gals." Pony's voice seeping past his lips, sounding feminine but mixed between a purr and a growl before he yanked the door out of the hood's hand, closing it tight behind him and watching the blond glare at him from behind the safety of the glass door.

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