Chapter 3: Attraction pt2

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Continues from last chapter. Last sentence of last chapter: Before he could shove Steve off, he pulled away, letting go of him.


"Hey, can I come in?" Soda asked from the other side of the door. Ponyboy turned around quickly, yanking the door open and darted past Soda and down the stairs, nearly knocking him over. Pony's feet slapped against the floor as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey Pony," Johnny greeted when Pony stumbled into the kitchen "ya doin anything today?" he asked.

"I don't think so, what'cha have in mind?" Ponyboy said, sitting down at the table across from Johnny and Dally; he'd go anywhere just to get away from Steve.

"Well, me and Johnny were gonna go over to the Nightly Double when it gets dark, but in the mean time, we were gonna walk around town or somethin'," Dallas said, puffing on a cigarette. "you in?" he asked, blowing out a smoke cloud.

"Sure," Ponyboy said more than happy "lets go." he said getting out of his seat.

"Whoa, hold up," Dally said as he still sat in his chair "I still need ta take a shower."

"JESUS!" Two-Bit shouted as he gripped the table with his hands, causing the table to shake as well as the dishes on it, getting everyone's attention. "I didn't know you took showers! What kinda soap ya usin' cause I don't think its workin' too good?!" he laughed hysterically, pounding the table with his fist, making Ponyboy and Johnny laugh. Dally on the other hand, not so much.

"Ya know," Dally paused, looking up at the ceiling "yer right Two-Bit, I don't take showers. I take baths." he said with a straight face, making Two-Bit snicker. Until saying, "Bloodbaths." he ground out between his teeth as he glared at the other boy. In all honesty, Two-Bit was shittin' bricks he was so scared, but he just could not stop from saying what he had to. He just had to, if he didn't, he might've just died. If Dally didn't kill him first.

"What are ya?" Two-Bit chuckled, trying to suppress his laughter "A vampire?" he asked before continuing to say, " I'm count Dallasula, and I vant to suck your blo-" but before he could finish, he was cut off from a boot colliding with his face. "Ow!" he yelped, grabbing where the boot hit.

"I got another one right here," Dallas smirked, lifting his foot up. "now give it back, I need that." Two-Bit did as he was commanded, tossing it back to its owner.

"No need ta show me, I believe ya." Two-Bit said, rubbing his sore face. 'Man, he must really want Ponyboy!' Two-Bit thought to himself. 'Hope he doesn't mind a little competition.' Two-Bit smiled inwardly. He watched as the three other greasers walked out of the room, his eyes set mainly on Ponyboy.

"Has anyone seen my-!" Soda shouted as he ran down the stairs, but was cut off by Pony shouting,

"Hall closet!" shaking his head at his older brother, "Really Soda, your DX shirt is almost always in there if its not in our room, ya know Darry irons it from time to time." Ponyboy scolded lightly.

"Almost, not always, almost always." Soda retorted with a smirk as he pulled on his work shirt, walking into the kitchen and cutting himself a slice of cake to have for breakfast.

"Sup Sodapop." Two-Bit greeted as he sipped on his beer, watching as Soda nodded at him; his mouth having been too stuffed with cake to utter any words.

"C'mon, we gotta get goin' if we wanna get ta work on time." Steve said as he slapped his friend on the back, guiding him to the door as he glared at Dally walking up the stairs who glared back. Their gaze was soon broken as Steve stepped through the front door, and with that, Steve Randle was out of the house.

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