Part 11

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Grasers POV


It dawned on me as I shut the door to my prison and safety that I didn't know where to go. I had my phone, keys, and wallet, I'm not dumb, but I don't know where to go. Once again, I try my hardest to better myself but get dragged back down. The Joint is close but too fattening... I was going to get food, not turn myself back into a disgusting monster. Fuck it. I'm ordering a godamn pizza. I'm already a monster. Turning back around, walking slowly and kicking the occasional stone, I searched through my contacts for any pizza restaurant I could order from. I sat down on the front step to my house. I didn't want to have to talk to a stranger. My hands were shaking, tormenting my iPhone and neglecting its safety. Insomnia has joined my demons and it won't be long before that takes over me, too. I'm just ill. I'm sick, like a cold. I'll be fine. I'm just sick, I'm only sick. Extra reassurance is only prominent when you aren't confident at all. I went back inside, and locked the door.


Hbomb's POV

"I just don't know what I should do."

"He's only answering your attempts to talk to him- obviously he wants you, whether he knows it or not."

I found comfort in Parkers words. I don't know if I'm capable of acting as a therapist, but I know I can be a friend. And he needs me- hell, I need him. I just wish he were closer... But, I guess distance is a solvable issue when it comes to something like this.


Grasers POV

I woke up this morning to a knock on my front door. It'd been a few days since my outside experience and I was by no means ready to open that damned door again.

"Uggghhhh" I groaned and turned my body over, checking my clock. 6:18 AM. What the hell is someone doing at my place at- My thoughts were interrupted by more aggressive knocking.

"Coming!" I shouted, or, more so, strained. I made the promise so I guess I had to go open the door. Quickly pulling on sleeves and popping a mint, I went downstairs, and pulled at the handle. Oh, how I wish I had just stayed in bed.

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