" Alright, I'm on sight. I've gotta go. "

   " Okay, don't forget our plans. I might be a little busy but I can see if I can be let go from work early so I can meet you there. "

   " You don't want me to pick you up? "

   " Bruno, I know you by now. I know you would want to be there alone for a couple of minutes. Even when I leave I'm willing to bet you'll stay there until the sun rises. "

Bruno smiled slightly and shook his head before saying goodbye.

   " Goodbye, Maria. "

   " Bye Bruno. "

Bruno hung up the phone and walked into the crime scene to determine what happened to Kate Howling. An officer handed him gloves before he walked into the house. Bruno slipped the gloves on and pushed the door open to the home. The crime scene looked like a suicide but there was something that was rubbing him the wrong way. There was skin under the victim's fingernails and she was deemed as a happy person by her coworkers. Bruno grabbed tweezers and a bag labeled, 'evidence'. He used the tweezers to pull out the skin and dirt under Kate's fingernails before giving them to another officer.

   " Have someone take a look at the DNA on that skin and then look for the same DNA in the system. This wasn't a suicide. "

   " How do you know Mr. Tate. All this could be is just dirt. "

   " Because is she was defending herself she most likely scratched the hell out of him and that was skin under her fingernails. If it comes back as dirt or something else other than DNA it would be a suicide but I don't think so. Get the other officers inside and we can start looking for more evidence. "

   " Yes, sir. "

The police officer walked away and he started looking around the house, while he waited for the others. The rest of the house seemed clear of any mess and it even seemed to perfect. The officers Bruno requested for met him inside and he told them to start looking for evidence of a murder. They nodded their heads and together they started looking through the house, while Bruno left the crime scene to go back to his office and take another look at all the evidence he had gotten. The drive back to the office was silent and he wasn't focused on anything but the case. When the thirty-minute drive was over he got out of the car and felt raindrops start to hit his head. 

   ' Looks like it's going to rain. What a day for that to happen. '

Bruno walked inside the building and went to the stairs before making it to his office. He set the file down on his desk and started hanging the pictures up on a board. He wrote small notes on the board so he wouldn't forget the things he saw at the crime scene. His phone rang in his pocket and he picked it up seeing Maria's number.

   " Hey. "

   " Hey, Bruno. I won't be able to make it. The sorority needs my help to move everything inside since the welcoming event was going to be outside and everything has been postponed until later today. "

   " I see, well that's fine. I'll go on my own. "

   " Okay, I'll be beside you in spirit. "

   " I know, I'll give your condolences. "

   " Thanks. I've gotta go. "

   " Okay, bye. "

Bruno hung up the phone and looked back at the board in front of him. He wanted to get this case solved before his business hours were over. Because once they were over he had a higher priority to look after. He would drop this case even if someone called and told him the slightest thing changed. So, he started to work harder than usual on the case. He spent all of his time in his office, and when the DNA results came back from the scientists he took the papers and evidence from the person who brought them to him.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora