"Do you have anything in mind?" Janis asks. She's not terribly fussed about this.

"Yeah. Do you?" Cady asks back. Janis nods. "Same time?" Another nod. "Okay, three, two, one."

"Yellow," Janis says.

"Purple," Cady says at the same time. They both smile when they hear that the other picked their favorite color. "Our first disagreement. Okay, hmm."

"Compromise color?" Janis suggests.

"Okay," Cady giggles. "What do you get if you mix yellow and purple?"

"Brown," Janis says quietly after a beat. Cady scrunches her nose. "Yeah, um... what about green? That's yellow and blue, that's pretty close."

"Green might be nice, but if we're getting married in the woods everything would blend in," Cady says. They both think on it more, and suddenly her eyes light up. "What about rainbow? This technically is a gay wedding, and then we could have every color. Everyone could pick which one they want to be. And it would make the flowers a lot easier."

Janis smiles at her. "That does sound beautiful. I like it."

"Good!" Cady chirps. "Look at us, communicating."

Janis laughs and inches herself closer. "What now?"

"We should probably invite people," Cady realizes. "Okay, who do you want as bridesmaids and... brides...men?"

"I don't know, I think we're going to be picking from the same group," Janis says. "Damian, Aaron, Julie, and the Plastics?" Cady nods. "We could just... share them, I guess."

"Do you want Damian as your best man? I'll let you have him," Cady says, writing down everyone's names.

"Yes please," Janis responds. "Who do you want as yours?"

Cady goes quiet. "Would it be dumb to pick Rhys? I know he can't... be there, but..."

"But you love him, he's your brother," Janis finishes. "That's not dumb at all, baby. We'll do something special."

Cady grins at her thankfully. "We'll do something for your dad, too. What about maids of honor?"

"Juliana," Janis says. "Mine's pretty easy."

"Yeah," Cady chuckles. "Oh, I don't want to pick between the Plastics, that's mean."

"You don't have to, necessarily," Janis says. "You could have all of them, or none of them, if you want. This wedding is already very untraditional, I don't think anyone would be surprised if we fiddled with that part too."

"That's true," Cady says thoughtfully. "All of them, then. If they want, I'll let them choose."

"Good plan," Janis says. "This is easier than I thought."

"Don't say that, you'll jinx us," Cady chuckles, looking up how to book the venue and finding caterers. "I have a job I think you should handle alone, too."

"Oh, Christ," Janis says anxiously. "What is it?"

"The cake," Cady says with a cheeky wink. "I trust your judgement. You've always liked it more than me, I think you should handle that."

"Oh," Janis says in relief. "Yeah, I can do that. But that means you have to handle the flowers, I'm terrible with those."

"I can do flowers," Cady agrees with a chuckle.

"Um..." Janis says before she trails off. Cady looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "What are we going to wear?"

"I don't know. What do you want to wear?" Cady says, pulling up a website for inspiration.

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