"Thanks Ralph." We pull away and try to decide on where to get our tattoo's. Alessio, Alessandro, Gianni, and I didn't have nearly as many as Antonio and Anthonie did.

"I think we might have to get ours on our hands somewhere." Antonio laughs as he finds an empty spot on the side of his forearm. Anthonie had some space on his knuckles somewhere.

We picked out the font for the quote and all sat down as Ralph and his employees got to work on us. Luca, Sebastian, Khalid, Carlos, and Santana also got the tattoo but we all also planed on getting more.

Antonio surprisingly had a few empty spots here and there so he decided to get Violeta's name tattooed behind his ear.

Alessandro got A.M and A.N tattooed on the back of his elbows, the twins initials.

I got a bee tattooed on one ring finger and an S tattooed on the other. Gianni followed and got a N tattooed on his as well.

Viktor got a firefly tattooed over his heart, and Vadim got the word firecracker in Russian tattooed over his.

Yeah, they'd better honor my sisters. Don't get me wrong, I love those motherfuckers to death but if they so much as make my sisters cry, I will not hesitate to fuck then up, and they know this.

Same goes to Gianni when it comes to Natalia.

"So when am I getting my niece or nephew?"

Anthonie loved children despite that fact that he would probably scare the shit out of them. But w before his fiancé died they were trying so hard to get pregnant but she couldn't.

Violeta loved Anthonie the most out of all of her uncles... I mean it's not a competition or whatever, but they had a special bond.

Of course it probably has to do with the fact that she can get anything she wants from him. When it comes to Violeta that man folds so fast.

"Oh, I'm working on it." Trust and believe that I was putting in overtime these last few weeks. Sage went off birth control a few weeks ago so hopefully something will happen during this honeymoon.

"God,"Alessio leaned back into his chair."I can't believe the youngest out of us is getting married."

Yes, despite me being more mature than Gianni, I was the youngest out of all the boys... by like two minutes but it's whatever.

"Me neither,"I agreed."Y'all need to get your shit together. You're getting too old." Anthonie was quick to throw a rag at me.

"Gets in a stable relationship and thinks that he's a love guru now." Alessio scoffs. "I mean—"

"Shut the fuck up mouse."Alessio warns Alessandro."Choke bitch." Alessio leveled an amused grin at Alessandro as he finished getting the wings tattooed on his shoulder.

I chuckled watching my brothers bicker back and fourth. "Are you ready for it?" Antonio asks, putting out a joint."Marriage."

"Were you?" I ask.

Antonio shrugs his shoulders, blowing smoke throw his nose. "I've loved that women for as long as I can remember. I don't think you can ever be ready but when it's the right person you just know."

Her Dark Angel | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now