Part XIX. And the mirrors are gonna fog tonight.

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Part XIX. And the mirrors are gonna fog tonight.

The resentful side of Katsuki didn't surprise you in the slightest. Once you knew him a little, you could see it coming as a logical feature of his temper. And honestly ? Fuck him. If he thought that being bitter would affect you, he was dead wrong. After all this time, you were immune to this kind of bullshit.

And for fuck's sake, it was just a little glass of a cold water thrown at his dick, it wasn't like you chopped it off ! And after all the kind of business he put you through, a little revenge wasn't undeserved, especially since you were persuaded that he would find a way to get back at you. So why bother worrying about him acting all offended ?

Lost in your thoughts, you smiled for yourself, back leaned against the wall of an ice-cream maker, impervious to the happy background noises emanating from the passing crowd in front of you. Your eyes quickly scanned the passers-by, looking for a familiar spiky head. You didn't saw him, but the detonation few meters away was hard to miss.

« Watch where you walk, asshole ! »

« How did I end up with such an angel already ? Oh yeah, I'm a masochist. Or I did something very nasty in a previous life and am getting punished in this one, » you told yourself.

Katsuki arrived up to you, finally letting you see him. He was dressed casually, with a blue denim jacket open on a black tank -another one, completed with yet another black trousers stopping just before the ankles, and smart shoes.

« I didn't think you would show up, I'm surprised ! » you said when he approached.

« Uh ? Why's that ? »

« I thought you might set up a fake date to make me go outside and wait for you for hours for nothing, you know, as a puny little revenge. »

« I can still turn around and abandon your ass, you know that ? »

« Too late, » you refuted and firmly grabbed his arm, yanking him down to give him a quick good morning kiss. You knew he hated PDA.

Katsuki couldn't work what was going on with you today, but it irked him. You were currently trotting slightly ahead of him, walking around the large and packed shopping street from a pavement to another, stopping in front of the shops you liked. If you were acting all natural on the surface, it wasn't the same on the inside. Today you were... caustic. He was used to you talking back when he was into his shitty mode, but today it was just... different. It was as if you were purposely irritating him just for the pleasure to retort, creating opportunities to snap at him. You weren't being truly mean, just sassy, but in bigger proportions than usual. Any frown you earned from him made you smile, and that goddamn gloating air you had from the beginning, he swore to God... This little extra of aggressiveness ticked him off, he couldn't tell if he liked it or not. It pissed him off as much as it made him want to pin you against a wall and show you who was the boss here.

One last repartee, murmured low in suave accents, hit his ears, and he turned around to watch you. His red eyes scrutinize your smirking face, your index poking his cheek mockingly. He strongly caught your wrist in his hand and pulled you against him.

« Hey, smartass, why don't we go somewhere and help you settle that provocative attitude of yours ? »

You let out a small laugh at his face. He looked both confused and aroused, his eyes lit with a spark of lust and wonder. The setting sun bathed him with such a light that he looked like his skin was on fire, his spiky bangs like burning embers.

« Wait a minute. Were you purposely pissing me off knowing it will end like this ? »

« And since I already pulled this trick on you I thought you'd be quicker than that. But you're just too dense... Just like black ho-OW ! Are you fucking crazy ?! »

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