Part XI. Talk to me.

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Part XI. Talk to me.

No matter how hard you tried to focus, you just couldn't get any homework done today, unable to read past the few firsts words of any question. You could blame the weather for your desire to hide and sleep under your blanket, the sky cloaked in thick, grey clouds threatening to burst into tears at any moment. But you knew it wasn't the storm that was responsible for your mood.

« Shit, » you mumbled, massaging your temples as you briefly closed your eyes.

Even if you were used to Katsuki's mood swings, that was the first time you reacted so hard to it. It was also the first time you two got into a fight. You were usually the one who chilled for both during his episodic angers, not the one who joined him in his fury. It was more like Mitsuki.

« Fuck him, » you frowned, crossing out an incorrect calculation on your notebook. « At least that gave him a taste of his own medicine ! I can be as much of an insufferable prick as he is after all ! »

Even if you wanted to be tough and unshakeable, you were full of doubts and fears on the inside. How the fuck did people recover from quarrels ? You were sure you were the one who was right, that it was all Katsuki's fault, and you hadn't the slightest intention of apologizing when you hadn't do anything wrong, or even to make the first move for a reconciliation either... but in the same time, you doubted your boyfriend would be able to swallow his pride and do it himself. Bakugô Katsuki and apologies were two immiscible concepts. The fact that he didn't manifest himself in the last four days was reinforcing this belief. But if nobody resolved to do something then... it would be over, wouldn't it ? Were you going to be one of those countless stories where two people just stopped being with each other by refusing to apologize ? Was it already over for Katsuki ? Maybe that was why he didn't show up, maybe he made a fresh start already !

« This idiot won't make a move, he'll just... wait for me to be the nice one and solve everything again, » you grumbled, nervously wiping at the tears that had begun to brim in your eyes. « I'm not worth a shot, am I ? Well fuck him, I've got my pride too ! I'll make him feel what it's like to always come after someone's ego, to be shut down when you're just trying to understand what's going on ! Good job, Bakugô, you finally brought me to the same pitiful level as you ! »

Furiously, you struck out half of your paper with your red pen, the ink leaving fat blots in its way, even piercing the sheet twice.

« I hate him and his fucking selfishness ! »

All drowned in your panic, you jolted and dropped your pencil when the sound of your door bell reverberated through the house. Your hands balled into tight fists, one of them slamming the desk, knocking down your pencil pot. You kinda wanted to be left alone today.

« Yeah, yeah ! Coming, coming ! » you shouted, making your way to the front of your house in quick strides.

Lowering the handle, you slightly pulled the door toward you. The air was cold as it hit your cheeks, the smell of an incoming storm carried within it. You opened wide eyes when a familiar silhouette stood out against the grey sky. You would recognize this curmudgeon's face and those piercing crimson eyes anytime, but you didn't expect them at your door. Your jaw dropped in surprise, and before you remembered how to talk, Katsuki spoke first.

« You're the one who fucking lectured me about telling what's stuck in my head because you're not a goddamn mind reader, but guess what ?! I ain't one either ! So just tell me what's going on with you, idiot ! »

A wave of anger shot through your body. Was it really all he had to say ?!

« You're going to yell ?! You're going to insult me ?! Well enjoy my doormat, fuckhead ! »

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