Part X. It was love at first fight II.

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Part X. It was love at first fight II.

Running down the hallway, you couldn't care less about the other middle school students complaining as you jostled them in your hurry, screaming 'Make way ! I'm a third year !' as if you were a doctor barrelling their way to an unconscious victim. Your own sentence had a far lesser impact, though.

The belongings hastily gathered in your arms weren't yours except for one notebook, and much to your distress, their rightful owner didn't seem to want to slow down so you could finally catch up to him.

« To think I'm doing this for that asshole, » you muttered under your breath. « I'm definitely too good for this world. I'm a living cinnamon roll. »

You took a sharp turn, sliding on the floor in a loud screech.

« Ah, fuck, » you groaned as you saw a sheet of paper escaping from one of the notebooks in your arms. You quickly picked it up with you free hand and buried it in your pocket before hurrying again.

« Finally ! » you sighed in bliss when a spiky mass of hair entered your field of vision.

You tried to call him out. Once, twice, without much success. At this rate, you more and more seriously considered to just drop everything in the nearest trash bin.

« Okay, last chance for him to get his stuff back, after this I definitely give up, » you thought, taking in a huge inspiration before shouting at the top of your lungs. « HEY ! THE ANGRY PORCUPINE WHO NEEDS A BETTER HAIRSTYLIST AND SOME BELT TO HOLD HIS FUCKING PANTS UP !! DO YOU MIND STOPPING ALREADY ?! »

Well, that was effective. The ash-blond haired boy you were referring to stopped, as well as every other student in the hall. Which were you were standing in the middle of, by the way.


He turned around like a madman, looking for guilt on the various faces surrounding him to find the culprit of this awful appellation, but only met pairs of eyes housing a mix of surprise and amusement. Well, except for the person right in front of him he hadn't seen approaching. He backed off a little.

« Who the fuck you- » he started.

« You dropped this, genius ! Your bag's open ! » you cut him off, exasperated, and held out his notebooks and his pencil case.

« Ha ? » Bakugô let out, a bit confused as he checked his open bag. The zip was broken. Frowning, he snatched his belongings from your hands. « Don't fucking call me that ever again, you hear me ?! » he threatened with deadly glare.

Now it was your turn to frown. Sure, you weren't expecting him to jump in your arms saying how grateful he was for your gesture, but you at least deserved a thanks.

« Normal people would say 'thanks for returning those to me' in a case like this... Bakugô ! » you remembered his name just in time and snapped your fingers. « I knew I had your name on the tip of my tongue ! It's Bakugô, right ? »

« Get lost, » he growled. « And you, stop laughing ! You wanna die ?! » he yelled at the remaining students who were still snickering at his new nickname.

You looked at him stuffing his goods back in his bag, wedging it under his arm. Now that you had a chance to see him a bit closer, you noticed how much this dude had the face of a recidivist psycho. The constantly burning red eyes weren't helping at all. The aforementioned blonde frowned, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

« How the fuck do you know my name ? »

« How do I... Are you kidding ? I'm in your class, you don't even recognize your classmates ?! »

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