Part XVIII. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

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Part XVIII. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Your afternoon was going rather smoothly given that you were spending it with Bakugô. The air was filled with the lingering smell of the tea and the tartlets you had for the breakfast hours ago, and minus the rhythmic curses Katsuki let out, only the sounds of the joysticks and the TV could be heard.

« Hey, by the way, » he said, making you frowned as some of your concentration left the game, transferred to his words. « I got something for you. »

« Like a punch in the face ? » you asked in scepticism, smashing your gamepad's buttons.

« Like a gift. »

At this, you gasped, and your thumb ripped over the joystick, giving Katsuki a golden opportunity to finish you off. Powerless, you could only witness your character being beaten into pulp by his.

« You traitor ! Making up stuff like this just to win a round, I swear to God... » you pouted.

« What stuff ? » he protested.

When you turned around, you saw, held high near his eternal grouchy air, a cardboard unopened box, where Katsuki's address was still.

« Uh ? Really ? It's for me ? » you asked, incredulous as he sent the package right in your hands. « I don't know if I'm disappointed to see that you apparently don't know when my birthday is, or if I'm happy because you'd apparently get me something. »

« I know it's not your birthday, dull face ! » Katsuki defended himself, offended.

« My face isn't dull ! »

« Tch, keep dreaming. If you were spice, you'd be fucking flour. »

« You damn little... boor ! » you screamed, visibly upset before you suddenly calmed down. « Wait, that means... you're offering me a present for no reason ? Either you finally realized how lucky you are to have a wonderful girl like me putting up with your shit, either you're dying. Katsuki, tell me the truth... how long do you have left ? »

You had placed a compassionate hand on his shoulder, looking straight into his eyes with a faked apprehension. His piercing red orbs glared holes into yours, and he gritted his teeth.

« You know what ? I changed my mind, you ain't getting shit, » he growled and snatched the package away from your hands.

« Oh, come on ! Take a joke once in a while ! » you laughed and took the box back. Before he could take it again, you tore it open with the same frenzy as a kid with his first Christmas's present. There, wedged between layers of recycled paper, was a small black box with its content printed on it, making no secret. Was he serious ? Stunned, you blinked at him, waiting for an explanation.

« You wanted me to surprise you, right ? » he asked without batting an eyelid. « I fucked up once, but this should make it up, huh ? »

« Uh, well... I guess. »

Blushing a bit, you opened the box and took out the vibrator. It was pink, ovoid, more thick than long, soft to the touch. The base was metallic and could be unscrewed for the battery, with a thin loop attached to ease its withdrawal. But the most interesting was the small remote included. That little cunning bastard...

« So what's the plan now ? » you smiled, arching an eyebrow. « I'm gonna put this in and wander around the house waiting for you to switch me on vibrate mode ? »

« That's an idea, » he confirmed.

Katsuki crawled and sat next to you, one arm around your shoulders as he kissed you, his lips warm and full. You moaned a reprimand for the form before finally giving him the complete access to your mouth, barely noticing when he swiftly nicked the remote from your hands.

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