Part XVI. Four letters.

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NOTE : This chapter contains slight mention of non-consent (nothing too explicit, nothing actually "really" happens but you're warned)

Part XVI. Four letters.

The bathroom was filled with thick puffs of steam now, only visible when they crossed the path of a candle's halo. The air was carrying a sweet smell of peaches thanks to the fruity bath bomb you dropped in the running water earlier. You wanted to add rose petals too, but Katsuki vetoed this last frenzy arguing that it was either the petals, either him. Quite frankly, you hesitated.

« It's just a fucking bath, » you heard him sigh from the door. « Do we really need all that shitty stuff ? »

« You know, if you're not planning on putting any effort into this, you can just go to the public baths, » you protested, rolling your eyes.

You were seated on the bathtub's edge, wearing nothing else than a robe, your hand tracing big circles in the water. When its level was satisfying, you turned off the tap and invited your boyfriend in with a nod. With a defying stare, Katsuki yanked his own robe open and let it fall on the ground in a masterful move, as if he was about to wrestle. You smiled when he walked into the room in all his bare glory, the carmine radiance in his eyes matching the hue dusting his cheeks as a ray of the main room's light outlined his form, accentuating every curve.

He entered the bath first, glancing at you as you stripped too and sat in front of him in a soft splash. He gulped. He might have done a lot of naughty things with you already, there were still anodyne things that got to him more than sex. Sharing a bathtub with you for the first time was one of those, especially since he had been fantasizing about it since that day at the love hotel.

He watched you intensely as your hands poured hot water all over you, translucent trickles running down your back, covering your skin with a sheeny layer. It made him crave to touch you, and so he did, his tolerably wet hands caressing what the water spared. He felt you twitched in surprise and immediately relaxing, humming softly under his caresses, back coming to rest against his broad chest. A single drop rolled from behind your ear to your neck and, hypnotized, Katsuki's mouth rushed to kiss it away.

« See ? That's what my shitty stuff is made for. It sets a mood so romantic that it turns even the worst shithole into a lovey-dovey sweetheart, » you grinned.

You didn't smile longer though, since Katsuki had grabbed the back of your head and pushed it down under the water.

« Did you fucking put glitter in the damn water ? » he asked, looking suspiciously at the pronounced glow it had, letting you resurface only to have an answer.

« It's not me. It was in the bath bomb, » you whistled.

You heard him grumble something about your near and 'accidental' death by drowning, few curses mingling with deceitfully sad condolences like 'to die so young, what a tragedy, really' or even 'I told her it was impossible to perform a blowjob in apnoea, but would she ever listen ?'

You snorted at his soliloquy, absentmindedly gathering a small amount of foam in the palm of your hands. He grouched and all, but he still agreed to take a bath with you. To be honest, you were surprised that he accepted so easily.

« You've made amazing progress in terms of dealing with affection, you know ? » you said as you watched the bubbles in your hands burst one after another.

« You say that as if I've been the only one struggling with that ! » Katsuki protested in a splashy noise. « You got your awkward moments too ! »

Sex is a learning, even for shitheads.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon