Chapter 11

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"Simjung Park." Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is it near the house?" Areum nodded her head.

"It's only few kilometres." Jin nodded. He took out his phone and search about the park in GPS.

"Ouk, we're here." Jin said as he parked his car. He looked over Areum and saw she was sleeping. He stared at her face for a while.

"Did i just realise how pretty you are?" He said as he admired her. He woke up from his thought and shook his head.

"Euw what did i just say?!" He whispered yelling.

"Yah. Wake up." Jin shook her body a little made she woke up and groaned.
"What?" She said annoyed. Jin laughed in disbelief.

"You really- Nevermind. We're here." Areum's eyes widened.
"We're here?" Jin hummed in response.

Areum smiled widely and opened the door suddenly. Jin was surprised by her action. But not just that. She even came out and walked slowly. Jin's eyes widened and immediately buckled off his seat belt and ran after her.

"Yah! Areum!" Areum was so busy as she felt so excited to come there. Jin ran faster and held the back collar of her shirt made she got pulled and her head hit Jin's chest hardly. She groaned.

"Ouch.." Jin sighed in relief.
"Yah! Can't you be careful?!" Jin suddenly shouted. Areum jumped and pouted.

"Fine. Sorry." She said. Jin rolled his eyes.

"What? Fine sorry? Only that?" Areum's turn to roll her eyes made Jin gasped.

"You know what, sometimes i think you're like an older man who is pretending to be young." She said with disgust. Jin looked at her in disbelief.

"You really-"
"Let me go first." She said and went alone. Jin's eyes widened.

"Yah! Your cane!" He followed her from behind. Areum was smiling alone as she heard his voice from behind.


"So, what have you guys found?" Namjoon asked others. They all were gathering at the cafe.

"About his job. He didn't have any real job. He is unemployed." Jimin said as he rested his back on the comfortable chair. Namjoon nodded.

"He wears black shirt and a cap everyday and goes to the bar." Jungkook spoke.
"He will get drunk and nothing more. His life is boring." Jungkook said, got a laugh from Hobi.

"About abusive, he just did that to his niece. And i know who and where she is." They all turned their heads to Suga who was talking. He talked about his conversation with Jin few days ago.

"So, that girl with Jin hyung is the victim.." Taehyung said slowly. Suga nodded his head.

"So we have to catch him before Jin hyung comes back here. I'm sure he will find her again after Jin hyung is gone." They all sighed heavily.

"Look, let just catch him now. I don't have much time for this." Namjoon said and put his hand on the table.
They laughed.

"Let's do that now." Suga said.
"We have to know where he is right now." Hobi said.

"Let me ask my man." Jungkook said. They all nodded, waiting for Jungkook's man information.

"He is at the bar." Jungkook reported.
"We have to wait until he went home." Jimin spoke.

"No. Let's catch him now." They all turned their attention to Namjoon.

"Give me that one." Junshi said to the bartender.
He gulped down the wine.

"I'm so broke nowadays. That bastard Jin. He should pay me more!" He said as his hand balled into a fist.

"You should stop talking about my brother, man." A voice disturbed him. He shut his eyes in frustration before turning his attention to the person beside him.

"Who are you? You look like a poor person." He said sarcastically. The person smirked.

"Is it so?" The person opened his mask and cap. He looked at Junshi.

"I'm the most successful CEO in Korea. You should watch news more often." Jungkook said as he smirked. Junshi laughed.

"Ah really? Do you think i care?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You don't need to. Just get lost from here." Junshi's eyes were burning in anger.

"Ah stop talking. Your breath smelled sucks." Jungkook stated again made Junshi lost his patience. He stood and took Jungkook's collar in his grips.

"Do you want me to kill you?" Junshi asked with a scary smile plastered on his face. Jungkook smirked.

"I should be the one who said that to you." Junshi furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't have time for this!" Junshi said and broke the glass and took the broken pieces.

He was about to attack Jungkook but someone suddenly kicked him.

"Wow that's cool." Taehyung said as he stood carefully after flying his feet on Junshi. Jungkook chuckled and showed a thumb up.

All the people in the bar ran out feeling terrified by the scene. Junshi stood up and stared at both of them.

"Ah, so you're that bastard's friend? CEO? I never thought I will have this kind of fight with you." He said smiling widely. Taehyung looked at him in disgust.

"Just shut up." Jungkook said and was about to punch him on the face but he dodged and pulled Jungkook's arm made Jungkook's back ended up on the floor with a loud thud. Taehyung looked at him in surprise.

"You really-" Taehyung got a kick in his stomach made he stumbled down. Junshi smirked and went out. He was about to come outside when a gun got placed on his forehead.
He stopped walking.

"Where do you think you're going sir?" Namjoon asked as he showed his face in front of him. He already called the police made they all were ready with their guns.

Jimin, Hobi and Suga were standing right beside the police's car with their hands in their pocket.

"Mr Ji Junshi, you are under arrested for abusing and scam people. Follow us." A policeman came as he stood in front of him.

Jungkook came outside with Taehyung's arms on his shoulders. Taehyung seemed unconscious.

"What happened to him?" Hobi asked as he went to both of them.

"He just got kicked in the stomach." Jimin laughed in disbelief.

"He was so confident about kicking and hitting that man like in an action movie but look at him now." Suga chuckled.

"That's why he is Taehyung." Namjoon smiled.

"Let's tell this happy news to Jin hyung." Hobi spoke as they all nodded with a proud smile plastered on their faces.

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