Chapter Seven - Drifting

Start from the beginning

"Damien! Hey, sorry for bumping into you, literally," I say with an anxious smile on my face, though my stomach flutters with excited butterflies at the sight of his dark clothing and shaggy raven hair.

"Oh, hey Daisy," he says, a small smile adorns his lips but fades away quickly.

I ignore the odd behaviour. "Where have you been all week?" I ask curiously.

"Sick," he says bluntly.

"Oh, are you feeling any better now?" I say concerned. I hope he's feels better now, I know being sick sucks, because you can literally do nothing but sit in bed and contemplate about how you took advantage of when your nose wasn't blocked and you could actually breathe.

"Yep." He clips sharply, all emotion in his void from his voice and face. Oh? Is he okay? 

"Well, that's what class have you got now?" I ask, trying to move the conversation onwards, but he's making it incredibly difficult.

"P.E. You know I have to go and you continuing to talk is kind of irritating right now. But maybe we'll talk later," Damien says brushing past me and walking off. 

Oh, okay. Yep, thats not a little mean at all. But maybe he's just having a bad day, boys always get a little more aggressive when they're having a bad day. It's not his fault. 

Walking into the library for my free period, I take a seat at one of the corner tables. I lay my chemistry textbooks out and begin taking notes, but I'm struggling to stay on topic. I can't help but think about my conversation with Damien, he was so blunt and mean - like how Trent was

No, he's not Trent. Though he wasn't his usual sarcastic, kind self. He's just having a bad day, I hope. 

Though the attitude really reminds me of Trent. He always was like that, kind and loving one day, then the next would brush me off like I was nothing. Just like Damien did...

Not realising I had spent the entire period reliving how Trent use to treat me and how Damien is acting the same way. I pack up my stuff and head to the cafeteria to meet Miles and Leo.

Walking in I find them already at our table accompanied by Jacques, but no Damien.

I chuck my stuff on the free seat next to me and say a quick 'hey' to the boys, before heading towards the cafeteria line.

I slowly shuffle down the line, grabbing a vanilla pudding and todays 'special' spaghetti bolognese, which is smelling eerily similar to yesterday's 'sloppy Joe's', but I won't question it.

Carefully making my way back to our table, I spot Damien and...Bianca?

Why is he sitting with Bianca and her friends, I thought he found her annoying. I mean he defended me when she shoved me, was that all a lie? Did he always fancy her?


I mean she's the definition of 'hot', her beach blonde hair, tan skin - well fake tan that's a little blotchy, but besides the point. Her chocolate brown eyes and pearly white teeth get every guy at school to like her - and she's hooked up with most of these said guys. 

Not saying that's a bad thing, she can do whatever she wants. But her personality is what makes her ugly, I mean she's rude to everyone who's not 'popular', 'pretty' or 'hot'. She thinks she's the best and she's incredibly obnoxious, which I can't stand.

Walking past their table, I pretend to not notice Damien's hard gaze on the side of my face as I quickly walk back to Leo, Miles and Jacques.

Sitting back down, I turn all of my focus to my food and ignore Leo, Miles and Jaques questioning gazes.

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