Chapter 36: Run For President

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Asuna POV:

The next day Kirito and I visited president Hirata in the student council room during lunch and told him that I'd be running for president. I expected him to smile from hearing me say that but he surprisingly didn't. Instead, he said:

"Is that so? Then I guess you won't do whatever you had planned, Kazuto?"

I turned to my boyfriend wide-eyed, "You had a plan in case I didn't run for president?"

"W-Well, no, but I would've figured something out. I had faith that you would run for president anyway so I didn't put too much thought into it." Kirito said.

"I see."

"I'm impressed you knew I was going to do something though, Mr. President."

President Hirata ignored Kirito calling him that and said, "It was obvious. You're you, after all."

"You've got that right."

I don't know why but I got the feeling they had a sense of respect for each other every time I see them exchange words.

"Anyways, now that I'm going to run for president, is there something I have to sign to become a candidate or something?"

"Shino." President Hirata gestured to Shino who took out a few sheets of paper from her bag and placed it on the table.

"You'll just have to sign these." Shino said in a monotone voice and gave me a pen.

I thanked her for the pen as I read through the sheets of paper, "How many candidates will there be?"

"So far, just you and the current vice president."

I looked up from the papers in disbelief as Kirito asked, "Why only them?"

"My guess is because no one else has the courage to stand against him."

"I see." I said.

I signed the papers and gave them and the pen back to Shino who gave them to president Hirata. He signed the papers as well before rising from his seat.

"Congratulations, you're officially a candidate for the position of student council president." He said, "We'll send you a copy of the papers by the end of the day."

Kirito and I rose as well and were guided to the door by Shino but were stopped when president Hirata called us.

"Asuna!" We both turned to him, "Thank you."

I felt a boost in my confidence from hearing him say that before nodding and leaving the room. Once the door was closed, I jumped into Kirito's arms and squeezed him tightly.

"Ow, ow! You're gonna break my ribs, you know?" He said, pulling me close.

"You're exaggerating." I said.

"I am."

We laughed and stayed like this as he said, "You're not afraid of the competition?"

"Not with you by my side."

I could feel him smile from my side, "You've got that right."

We let go and he took my hand, "Let's go meet the others. We gotta tell them about this!"

I smiled at his idea and we ran down the hallway and to the roof where everyone was. Suguha just transferred so this will be my first time eating lunch with her.

They waved at us when we arrived and Yuuki gave me the lunch box I gave her when I left to meet president Hirata. I sat beside her as I ate my lunch.

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