Back In Time Pt2

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Omniscient POV

"Pack y'all a bag and come on Brielle" Ej said walking into the kids room turning on the lights.

"What the hell no! Don't just come up in here waking them up" Brielle whispered yelled pulling him by the back of his shirt out their room.

"Look I don't have time for your attitude just do what the fuck I asked you do to it's clearly for a fucking reason Damn!" He yelled in her face.

"Who the fuck are you yelling at? What the fuck happened within the 30 minutes you was away?" Brielle asked staring him down. Their was no way in hell she was going to let him talk to her like he lost his fucking mind.

"We have to go back home.." he said walking away from her going into the kitchen with Brielle right on his heels.

"Why?" Brielle asked making Ej grow irritated all she needed to do was listen sometime.


"Hello why are we going back home! Damn can you just fucking talk to me! Matter fact you can go but me and my kids ain't going no where" Brielle said before walking off.

"Shit fine with me" Ej shrugged putting the frozen milk back in the freezer. He walked into their room grabbing his suitcase out of their closet before stuffing him some clothes in it.

Brielle sat in the kids room watching and listening from a far. She don't know what has gotten into him, maybe he is still mad about the incident and she completely would understand that. But that don't give him the right to demand and yell at her like she's a child.

He was just talking about how they need to lean on eachother but he can't even open his mouth and communicate what's the problem.

"I'm gone, I'm leaving the truck here for you" Ej said before walking out the house going to his Uber. He booked the next flight out to Milwaukee and had little to no time to get to the airport.
Brielle theatrics wasn't fazing him especially at a time like this.

"Wow okay..stupid" Brielle gritted going into their room grabbing her phone. He clearly can't be upset about the water incident because he left the kids with her.

She unlocked her phone dialing Èire number, it rang and she ended up answering on the last ring sounding like she was crying.

"Hmm?" She sniffled

"OMG what's wrong my baby?" Brielle asked worried.

"Um..... momma and Elijah got kidnapped. Eliana and I waiting to see what's going on but I'm tired of waiting I just want my mommy" she cried into the phone.

She's been crying since she's gotten the news, she keep trying to think positively but nothing coming to her mind was positive.

"Wow .. I'm so sorry about that.. that explains why Erza ran outta here like that, he could of told me" Brielle said now slightly upset with herself for being so stubborn.

"You not coming?" Èire asked finally putting her face in the camera.

"Nope, I asked him what's wrong and he snapped on me and ended up leaving" Brielle said

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