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Few months later

In these few months, Jimin's completely sure that he likes or more... loves Yoongi. At first, it was just like but as days passed, he's feeling more. The feeling to protect Yoongi, make him feel happy, make him feel like he's the best. He's learning more and more about Yoongi as the time goes on and he just kept adoring Yoongi more and more. But, he feels sad because he fell in love with his best friend and there's very less chances that he might love him back. He's planning on confessing but what if Yoongi doesn't like him that way? It would be awkward to be friends again but he respects Yoongi's decision too. Jimin doesn't want to ruin their friendship just because of his feelings

And Yoongi, he loves Jimin. He doesn't know when, he doesn't know how. It just happened. He wants to give him everything, his love, his affection, everything. But he's sure that Jimin doesn't like him back. He's not planning on confessing his feelings to him because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship too. Jimin made Yoongi happy when he's at his low. He helped him through everything. He's not insecure of himself after Jimin came into his life and made him feel like he's the best. He tries to hide his feelings and it's working...somehow, but everyone can see the love and adoration in his eyes except Jimin

The best friends are in love


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