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"We're not sitting together"


Yoongi and Jimin bickered because their parents made them sat together but their parents are not listening to them. "I thought you guys are friends..? Why would friends not want to sit with each other?" Mrs. Park asked them

"Mom it's not that-" Jimin got cut off by his mother "no, you both are sitting together" Mrs. Park said and their parents sat in their seats

"I want the window seat" Yoongi sat before Jimin said anything. The annoyed boy sat beside Yoongi and sighed

Soon, the plane was about to take off and both boys were not feeling well. They looked at each other completely scared and Jimin put his hand on Yoongi, which was reaching towards him and Yoongi held on it tight and closed his eyes

"Hey" Jimin called making the boy flutter his eyes open and look outside the window. The plane finally took off and they're in the sky now. Both pulled their hands away from each other and sat up staright like nothing ever happened

'Maybe, it won't be as awkward as I thought.' Yoongi thought

'Maybe, I can apologise to him when we reach there.' Jimin thought and smiled


"Wait, this is where we'll be staying at?" Yoongi asked his mom. "Yes, Yoongi" she replied. On the other hand, Jimin is too shocked to speak anything


Few minutes later

"Ahh I can't beleive this" Jimin said as he plopped down on the hotel bed. Yoongi looked at him unamused and mumbled a 'me too'

Their parents made them stay in one room for a whole month and they both didn't know how they agreed that easily. Maybe, they are just tired

Luckily, there are two beds and the room is so comfortable. Yoongi, too laid on the other bed and sighed

"Hey" they heard a voice and shot their eyes open and looked at the door. It was Mrs. Min

"Oh you guys seem tired. Take rest now and I'll wake you up in the evening" she said and the boys nodded


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