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"Minnie?" Nah

"Baby?" Oh hell no

"Love?" Hmmm

"Dear?" Wow no

"Jimin?" It's his name

"Jiminie?" Basic

"Prince?" No

"Handsome?" Nope

"Darling?" Nah

"Silly..?" Wow no, I sound like Peppa pig

Yoongi's trying to find some good nicknames but yeah, he gave up eventually. He's just going to call him anything that comes to his mind at that moment

"Yoongi, are you even listening?" The teacher asked

"Oh?" He shakes his head and looks at the annoyed teacher. "Yeah"

The teacher shakes his head and started teaching again

He's teaching something about chemicals and stuff but no one in the class are good in it. He mixed some solutions together and the whole thing came out of the test tube which made the students who are listening, shocked

Well, not really they are actually shocked because they thought that there will be an explosion but oh well

"Yoongi, can you do what I did just now?," he asked and Yoongi pressed his lips together because he didn't know what he mixed. But he went there to mix anyway because why not?

The teacher went to wash his hands outside while Yoongi's looking at the table not knowing what to do. He took two chemicals in his hands and poured the first one in the other "Yoongi, No!" But he already finished pouring and looked at Jimin who just yelled

Jimin rushed to him pulled him away from the table and hugged him

"Poof!" There was a very tiny explosion

"Oh. I think I've miscalculated then," Jimin said and pulled out from the hug

The students laughed at the sound because their sense of humour is not that good

The teacher then entered the class and saw all the mess

"Detention both of you!" He screamed at Jimin and Yoongi

"We didn't do anyt-"

"I said what I said," he cut Jimin off

They sighed and went back to their seats

"Chemistry is not for me," Yoongi mumbled as he sat beside Jimin. They changed their seats

Jimin grinned and rested his face on his palms, looking at the pissed teacher

"Sugar....come to my house this weekend," Jimin looked at Yoongi

"Why?" He looked at Jimin, still mad because they have detention. He didn't know he's pouting and it's affecting the person infront of him

Jimin made the eraser fall down intentionally and bent his head down. "Can you give me the eraser please"

The other looked down and slightly bent his head. Jimin held Yoongi's face and made him look at him

Jimin pecked his lips three times before sitting straight and smiled. Yoongi is just there, not wanting to show anyone his flushed face

"What are you doing Yoongi?" The teacher said and Yoongi immediately sat up, his head banged against the desk on the way and he let out a yelp

"My eraser fell down," he replied and glared at Jimin

The class is finally over and everyone went out. As it's the last class, they both sit there waiting for any teacher to come

Jimin looked at Yoongi and he looked back at him "you idiot"

Jimin kissed his head where he got hurt "aw come on. What did I do?"

"You kissed me in class!" He exclaimed widening his eyes

"Yeah..what's wrong with that?" Jimin shrugged

"What if someone sees us?" He tilts his head slightly

"Then they're going to think that we're a couple," Jimin said simply which made Yoongi furious

"Oh my- you're speechless" he said turning away

"I know" Jimin poked Yoongi's hand

"You both!" the teacher shouted, entering the classroom

"I really have an important thing to do right now. I can't pass it so I have to go. You better be quiet," she said, pointing her finger at them

They nodded and the teacher went out


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