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"Okay, it's your turn now" Yoongi said

"Yeah but just ask me less than 21 questions because it's late and we have to return tomorrow" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded

"Do you like spending time with me?"
"Yes, I do"

"Do you have any hidden talents?"
"I don't think so.."

"Do you like tattoos?"

"What type of food is your favourite?"
"Hmm...depends on my mood"

"Do you like pets?"

"Do you have any hobbies?"
"I'm too lazy for that"

"Did you date anyone before?"

"Do you like anyone...right now?"
"Maybe." This made Yoongi feel sad but he shrugged it off and gave him a smile

"What was your first impression of me?"
"I thought you were fun to talk to and you actually are" he grinned

"Do you have any k-kinks?"
Jimin smirked "well, I actually don't know. I'd find out when-"

"Are you...uh"
"A virgin?" He said smugly while Yoongi nodded "I am"
"You are?" Yoongi asked shocked. "mhm" he replied

"Yoongi, I think we should sleep now" Jimin looked at his phone

"Oh okay" Yoongi said

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